Author Topic: Good morning you fat forgets. Reminder to stop being a disgusting slob  (Read 5655 times)

that's not my point. you literally do not understand how that image works. It's using the banana as a comparison to the 9 foods.
You are right. I apologize for my ignorance regarding the subject of this image.

Everyone and I mean everyone should be eating a loving banana every single day.
i used to eat a banana every day for breakfast and for whatever reason i stopped for like a year and then when i tried bananas again im loving allergic to them :panda:
so now i have to avoid bananas in case the allergy randomly progresses from mouth itching to anaphylactic shock

I used to be skinny as forget and found that literally just eating square meals each day gets you to a normal weight.
how to Eat More if you live with an insaniac with a complex about food? i struggle to even eat 3 meals a day because i get guilt tripped whenever i try to feed myself so i just avoid the kitchen entirely.

thinks they can bully the spergs
i only bully fat people so its okay. Fat shaming DOES work

i used to eat a banana every day for breakfast and for whatever reason i stopped for like a year and then when i tried bananas again im loving allergic to them :panda:
so now i have to avoid bananas in case the allergy randomly progresses from mouth itching to anaphylactic shock
i have too much potassium in my blood so i think if i eat a banana i'll instantly combust or something

i only bully fat people so its okay. Fat shaming DOES work
no it doesn't it just gives people eating disorders + ratio

It worked on Boogie and FPSKyle

It worked on Boogie and FPSKyle
the geese thread is getting lonely. Wake up sheepocalypse. Wake up and come home. We miss you.

I will contribute to the geese thread soon. I’m going to the park in a day or two

I will contribute to the geese thread soon. I’m going to the park in a day or two
When you take a photo of geese at the park, can you do a thumbs up in one just for me?

no it doesn't it just gives people eating disorders + ratio
then it works

And if you're not a twink before your mid-twenties YOU HAVE FAILED!

then it works
i am going to give you an eating disorder by voring you

30 minutes on a stationary bike after every meal really hits different

i only bully fat people so its okay. Fat shaming DOES work

Yes. Convert them from fat to anorexic. Very healthy indeed.

It is. Anorexia is much easier to overcome than obesity