Author Topic: NorwegianAnt (221919) - permabanning me and 3 other gang members [imageheavyish]  (Read 2043 times)

after joining an innocent base raiders server I was invited to blades's gang

when blades got permabanned for "killing" the host (it was me who killed him wtf) and snack confronted the host blades was unbanned and we resumed our gang

a bit later the host teleports into the hidden room on the afghanistan map (the one you gotta moveforward/warp into) and teleports his gang members in (prob without their consent)

later snack still wants to join our gang so I tell him to go against the host and his gang and we later invite him in, and NorwegianAnt later follows with this

all goes well until we kill the host later and he permabans the four of us

(ty snack)

(take my word that snack and blades were banned too)

this host is top tier stuffty

Why are like most baseraiders servers hosted by starfishs

Why are like most baseraiders servers hosted by starfishs
Don't you find it fun to get gunned down by a tetrakimbo wielding host who can't even spell properly who also has a 5 mile long base with 5mil hidden up his ass?

Blades is cool as forget. I got issues with anyone acting like this towards him

Why are like most baseraiders servers hosted by starfishs
because its a gamemode based solely around power tripping

Why are like most baseraiders servers hosted by starfishs
maybe because its easy to spin up and 'seems like a good idea' even though it's a flawed gamemode

Annnd this is why we can't get new players.

maybe because its easy to spin up and 'seems like a good idea' even though it's a flawed gamemode
see the last time I said this I got banned for a week

see the last time I said this I got banned for a week
dont post diatribes/talk like you know better than others/flame people and nobody will stuff on you for having an opinion

w does that have to do with anything