Author Topic: loveual Allegation Predictions for 2018  (Read 2200 times)

who do you think's career might die in 2018?

rules of the road:
  • 15 predictions MAXIMUM
  • .5 point awarded if the person is accused falsely
  • 1 point awarded if the person is accused correctly
  • 2 points awarded if the person's career is ruined
  • joke predictions will most likely be ignored (forum users, characters, dumb stuff like that)

2018 Predictions:

Jake paul
Donald Annoying Orange, false acusations galore
harry reid
mike pence
mitch mconnel
steve Harvey
ajit pai
milo yianopolous
roy moore again
Michael Jackson
josef stalin

I know this doesn't count but im just going to say that probably any republican running for senate or house in the midterms will be targeted by false accusers but not as many on the democrat side

also general john kelly

dan "the foot special interest man" schneider

Michael Jackson
I feel like any allegations against him were already voiced in the 90's and 2000's though. it would be horrible timing to accuse him now, especially when he can't offer his side of the story. interesting pick though, it's certainly possible.