Author Topic: do you see personality in the way people type  (Read 5324 times)

To me, people who type in this monotone way seem like they are more desperate to seem serious, never using any punctuation or showing any excitement or emotion in their sentences.

and ppl who type like this just seem like they dont put any effort into anything

But People Who Type Like This Seem Very Intelligent.. What About You?

yea sometimes
i type like i do to not come off as too serious cus i'm usually not

i can sense the writer's power level by the way they type

most of the time i usually don't capitalize stuff but i use proper grammer and no run on sentences whatsoever

But People Who Type Like This Seem Very Intelligent.. What About You?
What Happens Next Will Shock You

if capitalizing nothing makes you look dumb, And Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word Makes You Look Intelligent, DOES CAPITALIZING EVERY LETTER MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A SUPER GENIUS?

people who capitalize the first letter of every word or of random words in a sentence are usually psuedo-intellectuals

What Happens Next Will Shock You

Man Puts Shock Collar On Your Neck, What Happens Next Will Shock You!

people who capitalize the first letter of every word or of random words in a sentence are usually psuedo-intellectuals

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

people who capitalize the first letter of every word or of random words in a sentence are usually psuedo-intellectuals

just like people who live in america but spell words the UK way

that'S whY i alwayS capitalizE thE lasT letteR

u neveR knoW whaT i'M gonnA dO nexT i'M a wilD boY

people who capitalize the first letter of every word or of random words in a sentence are usually psuedo-intellectuals
just like people who live in america but spell words the UK way
