Author Topic: Music Megathread  (Read 202920 times)

« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 11:00:48 PM by Kingdaro »

I just found an old ass song that I recorded LMAOOO its good though

not very proud of this one, hope you like 5/4 time though

You don't need studio monitors to mix and master, lol. I (and MANY other people) do it just fine on normal headphones. It's more about learning how mixing works over time. It is a gradual process, but worth it in the long run. ;)

Also, you have some good ideas. If I may, some things you could work on:
- Use more stereo! Your tracks are very "close" sounding at the moment, spread em out!
- Don't have melodies that play constantly. Insert drum breaks, sfx, etc. - mix it up. ;)
- Use more sub! At the moment, many of your tracks have very little under 200hz, which means basically no bassline. You'd be surprised how much this can change a track.

Overall, though, you've improved a bunch since you first got into this stuff. Keep it up! :)

I started my own netlabel if anyone's curious, demos are open and stuf

released a remastered version of Cosmos on it for the first release.