Author Topic: Script_ReColorNames  (Read 1906 times)

Recolors the names of everyone in chat based off of their Blockland ID.

The way it works is something like this.  My BLID is 12465.  So:
1+2+4+6+5 = 18

The color's are based off of Trueno's Old Colorset.  Color 18 in that colorset is a transparent white.  Since text doesn't support transparent colors, and most of the transparent colors have the same RGB values as the regular bright colors, I used the alpha value to darken the color blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.  Attached is a list of the Colorcodes and their attached hex values.

Things to know.
  • This mod recreates the chat function from scratch, so it is NOT compatible with other chat mods that also recreate the chat function from scratch.
  • [0] You cannot change what colors it uses without editing the mod itself.
(yeah sure I could fix it to load from a file and make it editable, but I'm not getting paid)
  • Some user's may get the color brown.

I pulled some stuff from Script_ColoredNames to make this.  So credit to Korabar for that one.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 02:00:01 PM by Dglider »

thats a really cool concept, I don't like how it writes the chat system from scratch though, leaving no support or anything
I guess there isn't exactly an easy way to do it without rewriting the chat system
but overall it's a unique idea

Nice method for assigning colours.

I kinda assumed this would change the names over the players heads, not in chat...

Interesting concept, but I think you should be doing it by name, not by ID.

Sort of like how PSO did it.

I kinda assumed this would change the names over the players heads, not in chat...
point.  I'll clarify the op.

good for trolling people your in a minigame  :cookieMonster:

good for trolling people your in a minigame  :cookieMonster:
all aboard the train to banland!