Author Topic: Wavy Water  (Read 1201 times)

Can anyone make an add-on where there are water bricks but wavy water?
Like the water goes up and down.

The bricks would be like
  • 32 x 32 Wavy Water Brick
  • 8 x 8 Wavy Water Brick
  • 8 x 8 (this water moves you forward)
  • Others (Suggest any other ones)

Sort of like this:

Okay just to clear something up, please do not say, "HEY ITS BLOCKLAND! NOT WAVY WATER LAND!"
I know, I just want to have something like this.

i feel obligated to make a game called "wavy water land"

well you could make a wavy water surface with an animated static shape but it would look ugly as forget and not come even close to your image

so no

Didn't these bricks already exist? I swear they did.

didn't this used to exist in blockland

None of those have wavy water. The wavy water class was removed in v21.

So is it possible for wavy water to exist in blockland?

So is it possible for wavy water to exist in blockland?
not really
just use undulo on water bricks if you'd really like it

    Let's think on a practical note here—

    What has to be done to actually get this water implemented–

    • On a technical level?
      • What would this demand engine-wise in light of the new v21 features?
      • How would a complex water texture like this be made?  I even see a reflective property in the example in the OP, that or it's some sort of HD image of the skybox, or a top spheremap image superimposed on the wave textures.
      • Would any features have to be sacrificed, or would this create the potential for a lot of new bugs for the lighting engine.
    • On a design level?
      • How would something aesthetically pleasing like this actually be made?
      • How demanding would something like this be on the engine?
    Etc...  Feel free to add your own thoughts.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 04:30:51 AM by SWAT One »

What! Why?
Because it was part of the terrain system and that was completely destroyed.

So can someone re-create wavy water or is it just impossible.