Author Topic: I almost killed my ginger friend on accident  (Read 2348 times)

Well, I'm pretty sure he didn't come close to dying, but who cares here's the story:

So me and my ginger friend were just sitting in the halls one morning being all bored since the rest of our group had their new classes at the main campus and we were stuck in the freshman campus. Just sitting there, joking around about craids(crab-AIDS STD mutation combo) and this one jack wagon's facebook profile picture; the pin head was dressed all ghetto-styled with tilted hat, saggin stuff, a shoelace belt and all that other crap, and he was holding like five one/five-dollar bills like he thought he was loaded. We decide to have some fun and mock him, so I take my wallet out to get my six 20-dollar bills, next thing I know gingy grabs my wallet and throws it. I tell him to go pick it up, but he's doesn't, so I elbow him in his ribs right where his heart would be and he freaks out n says "OW WOAah I just felt a jolt go through me haha!" I'm all ":S". Then I get up and take 2 slow minutes to go walk over and get my wallet back. When I get it I turn around I see him leaning to one side with his eyes half closed and think "What the hell is he doing?" so I ask him, "What the hell are you doing? You look like you're stoned" ...No response, so I walk over to him, push him so he's sitting up straight, and he starts blinking fast n asks "...Did I just pass out? How the hell..?" I'm all ":O IT WAS THAT JOLT FROM THAT ELBOW TO THE HEART" he spazzes n says "I MUST'VE HAD A MINI HEART ATTACK OR SOMETHING" I say "I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU AND GONE TO JAIL WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??!" him: "Hahaha that felt weirder than gettin high off ayero-sol with my brother" me "Aerosol can kill you ya know -__-" him "You loving serious?!?!" The end

tl;dr: I elbowed gingy where his heart was which apparently sent a slightly painful jolt through his body and he passed out for 2-3 minutes

Discuss near-death/homicide experiences I guess
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 07:42:40 PM by Zloff »

So me and my ginger friend
Must've been why you almost killed him.

Also, he could have been faking.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 04:03:50 PM by Boomerangdog »

Once I almost killed my friend while we were playing with sodium. We were almost too close to this piece of sodium and then it exploded.

I've always wanted to mix sodium with water

Must've been why you almost killed him.

Also, he could have been faking.
/Soulless ginger

I thought that at first but he seemed really amused with what happened for the rest of the day, that and he hates attention
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 04:08:41 PM by Zloff »

sounds like an attention whore to me

my friend had mono and whenever i hit her in any way she would go "NO DON'T HIT ME I HAVE MONO I COULD DIE, YOU ALMOST KILLED ME JETLOK"

   About 6-7 years ago, I was riding on my friend's back with him under a heavy white blanket, pretending he was a polar bear or something like that. Next thing I know he starts to try and shake me off, but he is silent and I keep clinging on, and I finally get thrown off and he runs out of the blanket, his face is red and he runs upstairs gasping for air and crying.
   Well, that might have sounded a little more dramatic than it really was, but the point is, I was unintentionally suffocating him.

[Note: For all those perverted cigarettes out there, this was not homoloveual in any way, we were just playing around.]

   About 6-7 years ago, I was riding on my friend's back with him under a heavy white blanket, pretending he was a polar bear or something like that. Next thing I know he starts to try and shake me off, but he is silent and I keep clinging on, and I finally get thrown off and he runs out of the blanket, his face is red and he runs upstairs gasping for air and crying.
   Well, that might have sounded a little more dramatic than it really was, but the point is, I was unintentionally suffocating him.

[Note: For all those perverted cigarettes out there, this was not homoloveual in any way, we were just playing around.]
Sounds like some hard core (gay) fun ;-)

I didn't think of it as homoloveual until you mentioned it

oh and another thing me and another friend were sparring, grappling only(inb4mmagaywads), and he had me in a TIGHT choke hold, he was like crushing my throat, and I swear if I stayed in that hold for a second longer I would have been out
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 04:25:52 PM by Zloff »

I got elbowed in the heart before in gym class.
I dropped to the ground gasping for air and it felt like I was having a heart attack.

Gingers have no hearts or souls.

They are pure anger and flame.

and this wanna be monday is your friend?

What? Oh, no, we just found him in the list of 'people you may know'

Gingers have no hearts or souls.

They are pure anger and flame.
Then I must have disrupted the black hole where a heart is supposed to be

I got elbowed in the heart before in gym class.
I dropped to the ground gasping for air and it felt like I was having a heart attack.
This proves that there's a chance gingy couldn't have been faking it!