Author Topic: [NEWS] Anthony Bourdain dead at age 61  (Read 3221 times)


lol thats what they want you to think.


lol thats what they want you to think.

*insert generic tinfoil hat meme here*

rest in spaghetti never forghetti


lol thats what they want you to think.

Seriously, when does anybody in the media business not have depression.


lol thats what they want you to think.
probably left a bad review for a chinese poker underworld mob's money laundering restaurant

food critic guy who had a lot of shows
i grew up watching some of them so its kinda weird finding out hes dead now

this dude's legacy is legit impressive. Like if I could do a 1/10 of what he did in his lifetime i'll be happy.

I wonder how the Big Gay Ice-Cream Truck will feel about this, they were good friends I believe.

Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown: Hell