Author Topic: Make Your Own Papers! (Papers, Please Template)  (Read 9888 times)

Have you played the wonderful game of Papers, Please? If so, I made a (mildly close to) template for the Entry Ticket and Passport for the game!

It requires a use of the font Small Fonts, please download and install this for it to match with the template.

It also requires you use Paint.NET, as the project files are PDNs.

Here are examples of how it looks (Click the link!).
Entry Ticket (BLID)
Entry Ticket (Passport Number)
Passport (BLID)
Passport (Passport Number)

And here are the template downloads!
Entry Ticket (BLID)
Entry Ticket (Passport Number)
Passport (BLID)
Passport (Passport Number)

Follow the font size listed in the project files (or don't, I don't care), and grey out your picture for the passport and it'll work nice!

Enjoy, and post examples if you want!

Here's mine from the Blockland to RTB Toll Booth topic:

There's also this, I made the United Nanotrasen template.

There's also this, I made the United Nanotrasen template.
That's probably easier to use