Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 124500 times)


  • Administrator
speedkart was a mod that already existed written by someone else

Maybe you should find the old speedkart mod and do a diff vs my version.  Then compare the features, how well it works, maybe put the old version up on your dedicated server for a bit.   

doors are a simple concept and i think if there was a demand for better doors a modder could have made them easily

Yes, any modder could stuff out some semblance of doors.  That happened and it was a nightmare.  Complications from JVS doors forgeted up the game for years.

i'm just disappointed, because heightened development speed was promised after the removal of maps, which i cherished dearly

Man, Kompressor pulled that one BS marketing line and people have been hounding me on it for years.  The maps sucked balls, ran like stuff, looked like stuff and just made everyone run around jacking off over how many half-assed round terrain brush tribes map rejects they could stuff into the add-ons folder before it burst.  Plus the GL code for terrain/interiors was a nightmare.  Have you ever noticed that no one ever increased the texture size for torque terrain?  That's because it's goddamn impossible.  There was no way we were going to get shaders to work with terrain/interiors and there's no way the game would continue to sell looking like a bargain bin title from 2001.  Less than 15% of servers even used terrain based maps - the whole "oh maps were the best evar" bullstuff is just misplaced nostalgia from a particular age group. 

idk I guess you could could addons as big updates, but like, the community is so used to addons (considering the amount of people developing them) that it doesn't feel like anything significant

Look how they dismiss any actual additions to the game as trivial (speedkart, gamemodes, doors), while simultaneously demanding more content.  No amount of improvement would placate these people, they would just find something else to complain about.


  • Administrator
I wasn't aware terrain needed to be taken away so we could have doors.

Oh man, you knocked that strawman right the forget out.


  • Administrator
Also, I'm changing my avatar.  Deal with it.

Also, I'm changing my avatar.  Deal with it.
holy stuff. i don't think game updates even matter anymore. this is what we needed

whelp, that escalated rather quickly

screenshotting this in case it gets deleted again

Oh man, you knocked that strawman right the forget out.
Can I get that post in a siggable form