Author Topic: red text rebellion  (Read 4871 times)

And what's stopping you from using any of those two browsers? Too lazy?

i dont want to switch my browser to make GreenBH happy when i already have a clean looking bbcode table. sorry i didnt take in account that youre OCD as forget and cant stand a img being placed 300px to the right, ho

What browser do you even use? Everything besides firefox is usually stuffty or suffers from dated or stuffty design.
Personally, I'm thinking this is just an excuse.

opera and brave. dont ask me to install chrome extensions on opera btw, i only use it for video streams and chrome is super anti-privacy

God I can't stand Opera. But luckily for you there is a method. Get Greasemonkey and install/or write a script to give you an avatar on your end. And yes, it's on Opera and Brave supports chrome extensions. (Which Greasemonkey also is)

Here's a script I found:

Code: [Select]
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Image replacer
// @namespace
// @description Replaces images
// @include     *
// @version     1.0.0
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

let lookup_table = {
'lookup': 'replacement',

for (let image of document.getElementsByTagName('img')) {
for (let query in lookup_table) {
if (image.src == query) {
image.src = lookup_table[query];

Replace "lookup" with the URL of your avatar, and "replacement" with the URL for your desired image. Should work.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 05:22:00 AM by GreenBH³ »

Or you can be banned for being disruptive like Tony has in the past

Except Tony was just coloring his text, what you're doing is actually intrusive because it affects posts, quotes, and the amount of images someone has to load per page

im not installing chrome apps on my browsers, in order to do that i have to agree to Google their terms. im also not going to use a script

You can't agree to google's terms? What? Even my grandma can do that. You're something else dude. And that script does not effect you negatively in anyway. It's so goddamn simple that you can see it's not dangerous. Stop being ignorant.

Stop being ignorant.
This and also, stop being in denial and inconveniencing everyone else just because you can't cope

You can't agree to google's terms? What? Even my grandma can do that. You're something else dude. And that script does not effect you negatively in anyway. It's so goddamn simple that you can see it's not dangerous. Stop being ignorant.
its not that i cant, its that i dont want to. i dont want google to know my entire browsing history.
This and also, stop being in denial and inconveniencing everyone else just because you can't cope
what a massive inconvenience, you can barely even browse the forum anymore!! how do i post when this avatar is right there instead of over here?  no sorry, i cant take you serious, & i thought i was the autistic one

It's that kind of ignorant starfish of an attitude that eventually got a lot of people banned

I understand, but I don't think it tracks on Brave, only tracks on the chrome browser and chromebooks.

I understand, but I don't think it tracks on Brave, only tracks on the chrome browser and chromebooks.
sounds like you didnt read the terms that come up when you try to install a chrome extension
regardless, i already said no

Why not consider just removing your fake avatar? As Masterlegodude already said, it's intrusive.