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Messages - Jervan

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 204
Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: August 25, 2016, 02:39:43 PM »
Looks Japanese or Mongolian, hella cool

Games / Re: Overwatch - The Summer Games Update (Patch
« on: August 10, 2016, 01:05:26 AM »
Bastion having some PTSD omnic crCIA flashbacks would be amaaazing

Add-Ons / Re: [Script] Third Person Orb v1
« on: July 16, 2016, 02:21:27 PM »
Yeah the one I made forever ago lol
Or someone else's that is similar
However, this mod is server sided, and the only keys I can use (I think) are left click, right click, space, and shift (fire, jet, jump, crouch). Making it use tab would probably require both a client and server sided mod.
I'll look into it though.
You can also use 'light' (R), 'useTool' (Q) and all the brick move and plant keys for future reference :)

Modification Help / Re: Delete an item
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:42:27 AM »
Another thing that could be happening is if $item is spawned twice, it'll only be the most recent I believe. The best thing to do is give it a unique ID, like $item[%client] = new item()

You could be saying global variable is item 11245 then spawning another, $item is now item 12266 or whatever, it'll only delete 12266 because that's what $item is. I'm drunk and on a beach on holiday so apologies if it's not the most clear explanation  :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / Re: Hide/unHide Backpack
« on: July 10, 2016, 01:48:43 PM »
Package the gameConnection::applyBodyParts(%this) function, which happens whenever the players appearance is updated (like after they close options, when they spawn a new player object, etc)

Modification Help / Re: [Design Help] Crafting
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:35:37 PM »
Is it possible to use animations/keyframes and change the material in game? I know you can do it using the IPO editor and stuff in blender, but can it be done in game? Everything I've tried doesn't work.
You can color groups on a model if they are either Player or AIplayer datablocks using setNodeColor(groupName, "R G B A"); and hide / unHideNode works too. The main issues for weapons are collision which you have to bypass as well as a nice user-friendly way to change the parts (harder for me because I refuse players having to know /commands).

Games / Re: A List of Must-Play Games
« on: July 06, 2016, 08:28:15 AM »
Witcher 3 is a must play if you like RPGs

Can you post your console log? Also    %obj.unMountImage(Mountpoint1); should be    %obj.unMountImage(1); in the last function

Modification Help / Re: Fallout RPG (1 Year Anniversary Mega Update!)
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:09:04 PM »
Congrats on still working on it, that's dedication not often seen in BL

stateScript[Num] = "onWhatever"; gives you hook into yourWeaponImage::onWhatever(%this, %obj, %slot).
stateSequence[Num] = animationName; calls that animation play upon entering that state.

You can't hideNode on images as far as I'm aware so what I'd do is have an image for the foot, and then as soon as it's mounted it hides the players foot and plays the kick animation. When the image reaches it's last state it can then unMount itself and unHide the players real foot.


Code: [Select]
datablock ShapeBaseImageData(kickFootImage)
   // Basic Item properties
   shapeFile = "./Kick.dts";
   emap = true;

   // Specify mount point & offset for 3rd person, and eye offset
   // for first person rendering.
   mountPoint = 0; //change this to the right foot, I can't remember what number it is off the top of my head
   offset = "0 0 0";
   eyeoffset = "100 100 100"; //so we don't see it in first person
   rotation = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );

   // When firing from a point offset from the eye, muzzle correction
   // will adjust the muzzle vector to point to the eye LOS point.
   // Since this weapon doesn't actually fire from the muzzle point,
   // we need to turn this off. 
   correctMuzzleVector = true;

   // Add the WeaponImage namespace as a parent, WeaponImage namespace
   // provides some hooks into the inventory system.
   className = "WeaponImage";

   // Projectile && Ammo.
   item = shotgunItem;
   ammo = " ";
   projectile = shotgunProjectile; //is this really what you will use?
   projectileType = Projectile;

   casing = shotgunShellDebris;
   shellExitDir        = "1.0 0.1 1.0";
   shellExitOffset     = "0 0 0";
   shellExitVariance   = 10.0;
   shellVelocity       = 5.0;

   //melee particles shoot from eye node for consistancy
   melee = true;
   //raise your arm up or not
   armReady = false;
   minShotTime = 1000;

   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = shotgunItem.colorShiftColor;

   // Images have a state system which controls how the animations
   // are run, which sounds are played, script callbacks, etc. This
   // state system is downloaded to the client so that clients can
   // predict state changes and animate accordingly.  The following
   // system supports basic ready->fire->reload transitions as
   // well as a no-ammo->dryfire idle state.

   // Initial start up state
stateName[0]                    = "Activate";
stateScript[0] = "onActivate";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[0]     = "Ready";
stateTimeoutValue[0]            = 0.05;
// stateSound[0]   = weaponSwitchSound;

stateName[1]                    = "Fire";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[1]     = "Smoke";
stateTimeoutValue[1]            = 0.5;
stateFire[1]                    = true;
stateAllowImageChange[1]        = false;
stateSequence[1]                = "put the name of your animation here";
stateScript[1]                  = "onFire";
stateWaitForTimeout[2]   = true;
stateSound[2]   = kickfire;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[2]   = "Smoke";

stateName[3]   = "Smoke";
stateScript[3] = "onSmoke";
stateTimeoutValue[3]            = 0.4;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[3]     = "Ready";
stateTimeoutValue[3] = 0.1;

function kickFootImage::onMount(%this, %obj, %slot)

function kickFootImage::onSmoke(%this, %obj, %slot)
   %obj.unMountImage(MountpointNumber); //I have forgotten the number the rShoe is

Read my comments carefully, some stuff in there needs changed

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:59:33 AM »
I don't mind seeing progress pics, I'd rather the thread be full of stuff than not :(

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: July 03, 2016, 04:56:05 PM »

Modification Help / Re: [Design Help] Crafting
« on: July 03, 2016, 04:56:53 AM »
It's my favourite board, sue me  :cookieMonster:

Sorry Swollow, I intended this topic to be help with the design by getting feedback about what people find fun in a crafting system more than thinking much about the logistics

Rare ore in difficult parts of the map is a good idea. I've put the most elite ore in a 4-player-minimum-entry dungeon after that suggestion.

If you guys are annoyed about me posting new topics for each individual help needed I could make a topic for the mod as a whole? I just thought individual topics of issues fits more with the new board :P

I'm definitely avoiding client sided external downloads as a requirement, I think it inherently splits the player base. As for coloring, I'm thinking about using alchemy as a method to make dyes which you can then apply to the weapon when it's on the anvil. It means it's not as limited as the paint palette and gives another thing for players to achieve mastery of (making rare dyes)

Games / Re: Good PvP Game?
« on: July 02, 2016, 09:19:21 PM »

Modification Help / [Design Help] Crafting
« on: July 02, 2016, 09:22:51 AM »
Me again, hoping to initiate a little discussion into different methods of implementing crafting on a server.

So right now I have weapons that can be colored by any part (hilt, handle, blade and blade edge) and I've also coded a system to do elemental damage (so if you had a fiery blade edge, you could do basic and fire damage).

I asked my 6 year old nephew what sword he would have if he could have a sword designed for himself and he came up with this:

For reference here is how it starts off:

I think the change is awesome because it shows his personality, he loves pirates so he made it a cutlass and is young so used lots of primary colors. The problem is I was typing in commands in order to change the parts and colors of the weapon.

If I could have a system where players can choose their parts and colors easily that'd be ideal, but I'm having trouble thinking of a way to do this that doesn't require commands or knowledge of RGB.

What I do know is that the blade color will depend on the ore you use. The edge will depend on if you have elemental damage output or not. But the hilt and handle and the combination of parts used is where I think customization can go more wild. The best idea I've had is using the paint can to paint individual parts but it seems a bit limited with the colors available. Part selection is simple enough as it's more limited.

I'm rambling, I guess what I want to know is what is important to you in a weapon crafting system? Gathering ore doesn't seem much fun (I've made it as fun as I can ><). So crafting must be super rewarding or exciting somehow

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