Author Topic: Avatarbroser  (Read 1846 times)

It's a small php page with a list of ~7200 avatars (all of the still working avatars) of the Blockland forums.

Code: [Select]
<title>broser - not a typo</title>

<div id="container" style="height:auto;width:400px;">


if(empty($i)) {

$i = 0;


for($a = 0; $a != 20; $a++) {

echo '<div style="float:left;display:block;background-image: url(;attach=' . $list[$i] . ';type=avatar);height:100px;width:100px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"></div>';



if($i == 20) {

echo '<br><a href="">next ></a>';


else {

$i40 = $i - 40;

echo '<br><a href="' . $i40 . '">< previous</a> | <a href="' . $i .'">next ></a>';



Source of ids for the avatars;

list above is probably already outdated if anyone uploaded a new avatar after I generated it :)

Code: [Select]

$source = explode(";",$source);
$source = $source[1];
//echo $source;
$source = explode("=",$source);
$source = $source[1];
//echo $source;


foreach($ids as $line => $id) {

if($id == $source) {

$line = $line - ($line % 20);





funfact with over 7200 avatars you get about 360 pages of pictures, starts from the oldest and ends at the newest ones

commence nostalgia below!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 05:14:55 AM by Anybody »

I can't save one avatar on firefox AND chrome

what is this sorcery

I can't save one avatar on firefox AND chrome

what is this sorcery

They are actualy background images of divs so I wouldnt have to strech them out all ugly like so you need to look the url up from the source code for direct links

Stocking, we are meant for each other! Such is the decree of the mighty AvatarBroser!


Stocking, we are meant for each other! Such is the decree of the mighty AvatarBroser!
What a sharp turn of events! Even Volko (and Smokesta) noticed it!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 11:56:53 AM by Cybertails1998 »

What a sharp turn of events! Even Volko noticed it!

In short, I'll be eating at Sonics from now on.

thank you so much for posting this

i had found something like this a really long time ago, it was literally just a page of every blockland avatar on the website. but i could never find it till this came out, thank you c:

My ID isnt in that list you made. :c

>Can't save the images.

forget, any other oldies getting massive melancholy nostalgia from seeing some of these avatars that haven't posted in a while?

>Can't save the images.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 03:10:43 AM by Khepri »