Author Topic: Un block Sugar from your discord channel and possibly dms. Sugar story  (Read 9475 times)

rocket don.t worry i fix it not my fault that visolator fault  Rocket run away and hide from everyone in blockland i guard you rocket beacuse we friends this secet? in 2015 visolator stalking me in blockland i not this like? p.s rocket you here with me in blockland long time age month visolator is lies people bother and stalking Atlas said why sugar seriously what was the point i trust Atlas and Rocket  do not trust Visolator plz now have good day

wow this article is full of stuff lol
wow this poster is full of denial ROFL

i not final i fight visolator back you trust Sugar lot i right now you order do un blocked Sugar in discord rocket i never give up on you you trust Sugar don.t trust visolator?  you listen me Visolator not lucky people im popular people in that game i think tell you  he wrong thing of me  Sugar is nice at Rocket i done  you done at me un blocked me

wow this poster is full of denial ROFL
the article is a sham and you know it

guys what am i gonna do in my last 50 secs of living

fapping and cheetos got it

wow this poster is full of denial ROFL

I'm sorry that you can't accept that a neocities article isn't factually sound but it's sources are stuff and it didn't back up any of it's points properly. If you don't want to use discord, that's acceptable. Don't be spouting stuffty sources to back up your personal preferences, because that's just downright autistic.

wow this poster is full of denial ROFL
several main points of the article are literally debunked in the sources they cite. the whole thing reads like a five year old wrote it

*belches loudly* man *smacks lips* now this? *inhales through mouth* now this is some quality memes *coughs rudely*

un blocked Sugar in discord as Sugar#7104 all my friends have discord in blockland not final  everyone dont hate Sugar annyone i not bullying all you believe me :( you make me cry lot

*belches loudly* man *smacks lips* now this? *inhales through mouth* now this is some quality memes *coughs rudely*
this is unironically how Nix The Glaceon talks in real life

yeah! i not wrong person you wrong person not Sugar you lies at me i wish un blocked me in discord i leave blockland foreve all my life with that game i was 9 year old long time age i wanna stay blockland plz we have deal

take a shot every time sugar says i leave blockland