Author Topic: CityRPG 4 - Coming soon  (Read 1761 times)

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Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce CityRPG 4, a better CityRPG for Blockland. Live, build, and thrive in a city made of blocks, inhabited by players like you.

The CityRPG 4 Team
Lead Development
Lake “LakeYS” Youngs

Administration and Creative Direction
Alexander “PunisherLex” Friedlander

Snack Nsack Chocolate

What is CityRPG 4?
CityRPG 4 is a new and improved CityRPG mod. CityRPG 4 is based on the existing CityRPG code, but it will be heavily modified, with portions of it rewritten entirely.

Why not make it from scratch?
Many developers have made previous attempts to write a CityRPG from scratch and fallen short. We want to avoid that. Rather than trying to rebuild the base yet again, we're going to focus on reworking and expanding what's already there.

What kinds of new features can we expect?
I won't name specifics just yet as it's all heavily WIP, but we have pretty expansive plans, both to overhaul and improve the existing game, and to add awesome new features. We will be taking feedback VERY heavily into account to make sure CityRPG 4 is the best it can be.

Will you release the mod?
Yes. CityRPG 4 is currently in a pre-alpha stage. Once it leaves pre-alpha, we will release it to the public. The entire mod will be open source on our GitHub.

When is all of this happening?
We're looking to host our first server sometime in early to mid august, and the first Alpha release of the mod will follow shortly after.

What will the build be like?
Our first run will be set on a tropical island city. There will be a little bit of backstory behind the island to be revealed. In the future, we are hoping to experiment with some themed CityRPG servers as well.

Is there a roadmap for the mod?
We have a roadmap on Trello, but it's currently private as it's a work in progress. We're planning to go public with it soon.

For the past 5 or so years of playing Blockland, myself and several friends of mine have been fans of CityRPG servers on Blockland. Around August of last year, I began working on a CityRPG server with the help of my friend PunisherLex. The original plan was fairly modest; we were going to host a simple server for fun, running on Ty's CityRPG with a basic map. I made a fixed up version of Ty's CityRPG (still available for download here) that we were going to host with.

In order to add in features of my own, I started work on my own branch of CityRPG, initially called CityRPG X. This was meant to be a small expansion, just polishing some things up, a little extra feature here, another feature there. As I continued to work through the murky code behind the mod, I started taking notes--ideas, issues, concepts, bugs, etc. These notes grew to overwhelming size very quickly, and I ended up moving to create a full-blown design document for CityRPG. Taking into account input from friends, players, and posts here on the forums, the outline for CityRPG 4 has grown to be much larger than I thought it would.

For the better part of the last 6 months, I've continued expanding these plans and working on the mod itself whenever I could. The goal now is to make this design I've set out for CityRPG into a reality. It's far from complete and there's still a lot of work to be done, but I think we're about far along enough to make a great spin on CityRPG and a fun server to go with it.

CityRPG 4 is currently in pre-alpha closed development, however there will be many opportunities to join us as the project moves forward. We'll be looking for help of all sorts, so stay tuned if you're interested.

In the meantime, we're still looking for help to join our early Alpha playtest! If interested, apply using the into below and either PM it to me or post it in this thread.

Info: Tasked with helping us test the mod for bugs. Our first playtest will be the Alpha 1 test, and will take place over the course of a weekend leading up to the server's opening.
Your in-game name and BL ID:
Your timezone:
Your Discord username (if any):
Past CityRPGs you've played:

We want your feedback! This is a project for the Blockland community. If you have suggestions, criticism, or ideas for CityRPG, please don't hesitate to share it with us. We will be relying on feedback very heavily and every bit of it is greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 01:42:16 PM by LakeYS »

Your in-game name and BL ID: 47602
Your timezone: CST
Past CityRPGs you've played: I played Clay Hanson's CityRPG and I remember shortly hosting a CityRPG3 server, with lots of broken assets of course.

Qauks Admin Application:
 *I know its late but I wasn't getting discord notifications*

Your in-game name and BL ID: Qauk 222721 (This is my new account my old one I forgot the password of but the ID was around 27132, I don't know if that's right though)
Your timezone: EDT
Your Discord username (if any): Qauk
Past servers you've moderated or hosted:
-Crowns Cityrpg (Mod)
-Orangeman3's Cityrpg and all of his other servers (SA)
-Servo2's (Mod for a few days before the server went down)
-Ive been SA on 2 other servers I forget the names of though
Why do you want to help moderate our server?: I wish to help moderate your server because I see a lot of potential in it. I have experience with moderating servers on Blockland and other games. I also just love the Blockland community and want to help keep new/old players engaged in the game, plus I love City RPG's and want to make sure its free of abusive players and cheaters. If I become a moderator on your server I can promise you that the game will be 2x better and easier for you. :)

Thanks to everyone that applied! All that sent in applications have received a response. We've decided to continue taking in testers past today, so feel free to join at any time through the application posted.

Our current target for the playtest and server opening is mid to late August, so stay tuned.

Your in-game name and BL ID: Remurr 3503
Your timezone: MST
Your Discord username (if any): PM me for this, don't want to post it publicly
Past CityRPGs you've played: Iban's waaay back in the day, currently active on Jasa's CRP2

Sounds fun. Can't wait to play (hopefully) this August.