Author Topic: [REAL NEWS] Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond Gameplay Reveal Trailer  (Read 1485 times)

medal of honor games have been pretty top quality in my opinion. this is a pretty massive change. i hope it turns out well.

35 seconds in and a guy dies to a frying pan

i want vr now to play this game and this game only

medal of honor games have been pretty top quality in my opinion. this is a pretty massive change. i hope it turns out well.
the original MoH team also made the first COD so

people still play war shooters?

people still play war shooters?
i hope youre joking

making a game like this vr only severely only limits its possible playercount. id compare it to bethesda's Blades mobile game. It's cool that bethesda released a new elderscrolls game, but its on mobile
and there are still vastly more people who "game" on smartphones than on VR.
vr in general is just shelling out an extra $1,000 so you can look at anime goth gf boobies with depth perception and pretend to jiggle them with your controllers

people still play war shooters?
This is breaking my brain I thought you’d be down for war shooters.

i hope youre joking

making a game like this vr only severely only limits its possible playercount. id compare it to bethesda's Blades mobile game. It's cool that bethesda released a new elderscrolls game, but its on mobile
and there are still vastly more people who "game" on smartphones than on VR.
vr in general is just shelling out an extra $1,000 so you can look at anime goth gf boobies with depth perception and pretend to jiggle them with your controllers
I haven't been looking at those jigglebones and interactable body mods for Skyrim!
It sounds funny for like a moment, but i wouldn't want to be caught doing stuff like that. xD