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Messages - Digmaster

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Creativity / Re: Bones4's Drawings (VERY image heavy)
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:55:36 AM »
Wonderful work, I was not aware that you were capable of such things; I enjoyed your first two ink drawings the most, however that may simply be due to the subject matter, I love machines.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:06:32 AM »
The normals should be normally exported. however, you need to flip the normals so that they work correctly. To do this simply (I'm guessing your running 2.49b) press "draw normals" under edit buttons -> Mesh Tools more. Little blue lines should populate the model. now select any face in which the line is pointing the wrong way (it should be pointing out), select it, ctrl f, flip normals. continue on until you are done. Feel free to change NSize to make the normal lines easier to see.

SOBA: FIX YOUR NORMALS! See the bottom of your cup? Fix that! No one wants to see that!

Off Topic / Re: Barack Obama -> Facing possible impeachment.
« on: March 24, 2011, 02:23:25 AM »
Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but the constitution says that congress is the only one that can declare war (important point). The US Military is acting as a force of the UN. As of now the United states has not declared war against them, we are just enforcing the UN no-fly. The US is not at war with them, the UN is. As part of our membership with the UN we are obligated to assist them. Thus the US has not declared war on anyone, only the UN has, so Obama doesn't need permission from anyone to lead his troops.

In any event if you guys think this would get anyone impeached then your a bunch of idiots. Bush did the same thing (invaded Iraq), along with many others. Hope y'all enjoy Glen Beck, be sure to grab your Iodine tablets and stockpile ammo.

Off Topic / Re: Dwarf Fortress hates me!
« on: March 24, 2011, 02:14:53 AM »
Just keep trying. Its got a hell of a learning curve, but its really fun once you get the hang of it. Everything makes sense, just not in the way you except it. Hope you keep trying, have fun!

PS: Its easier then it looks, because the goal is to fail epically.

Clan Discussion / Re: [BAN] - Blockland Alliance Navy
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:18:20 PM »
I had my finals last week. My school district is both awesome and so odd.

Clan Discussion / Re: [BAN] - Blockland Alliance Navy
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:05:33 AM »
Holy stuff, you guys need to like PM me when BAN gets back together. I was here for the first incarnation, but it seems every other time I miss. You guys need to stay static more often. Ironically, I haven't been on BL in forever and the first thing I'm building is a spaceship, and then I see this. I should dig out all my old spaceships I never showed you guys that I've built while going on trips and whatnot, also just make a list of the ones I've already displayed, its only like two or three (one wasn't even a ship).

EDIT: Damnit ACE left. Oh well. Ghoul and dread remain! Thank Inglip!

EDIT2: Do I need to submit an app, or can I just be put back on the roster? I used to be a Captain (

Off Topic / Re: evolved form of humans.
« on: July 17, 2010, 03:12:09 AM »
ignoring what you said, I'll go by my assumptions of what you mean (How could we make humans better vs. how evolution will change us)

We'll be taller, and hairless. Better at 3D manipulation in our heads, with much skinnier and pointed fingers (For more detailed work) Either duplication of many organs (Primarily the heart) or preferably a mechanism that automatically replaces the insides of the body every dozen years or so to like new conditions. Removal of cancer, mutations (For if are in complete control of our genetics evolution in the forum of natural selection is pointless). one new eye, on the back of the head (So we can see behind us, but no depth perception as if we need it we'll use our better front eyes) removal of fat build up (hello skinny people), protection of the eyes, better eyes in general (Improved night vision, better color differential, and better range in the wave lengths). Also a computer in our heads, so that we learn ow to find information, not just learning the information (Which is essential as we have so much information). Tougher skin, with no pores.

In our logic: Dramatically decreased love drive and desire for power/wealth. Dramatically increased positive response to accomplishment and helping others. somehow force people to see everything brown townytically.

Theres more to add.

some sort of cartoon, not sure really.

Off Topic / Re: Level 10 Thermaltake
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:53:40 AM »
protip: a $800 case will work just as well as a $100 one.

but heck, this probably relys on the same reason that apple still makes computers for more then three didgets.

Off Topic / Re: Screen recording software
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:50:13 AM »
ah. I can't check it out as I'm not using OSX, so I saw it downloaded a .dmg, so I just figured.

Off Topic / Re: In need of a new graphics card
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:48:52 AM »
If you were using a 9600GT then using anything better would be most likely bottlenecked by inferior CPU/RAM.

Unless he already made a significant upgrade to only his graphics crd theres a low possibility of this happening. people always have too much RAM (I have 8gb, about 4 too many), and cpus and gpus are usually indipendant in terms of being unbalanced in a system (I think that made sense) as they deal with different things (Logic vs display) so unless hes running a 2gb 1 core system he should be fine :)

besides what I pointed out about RAM tends to be the same with CPUs, as if you have anything over 2 cores, most programs aren't made to interact with the number of cores (Heck DF still runs on 1 core, and its a cycle hog)

basically he should be fine, unless hes running a dinosaur, in which case he'll run into power issues (But if he was running a 9600 he should be fine)

tl;dr: A ball dropped and a bullet shot level to the group at the same time will hit the ground at the same time.

Off Topic / Re: "Once you go 7, you never go back."
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:33:39 AM »

VIRTUAL COMPUTING: When one OS is running inside of of another, in this case windows XP is running inside of windows 7. see VMWare (VM ware works on BOTH Windows and OSX)

MULTI BOOTING: When more then one OS is present oft he computer. one needs to shut down in order for the other to start. called "bootcamp" on OSX for some handicapped reason. Linux uses GRUB (usually), windows has no name for it.

I swear when I hear people talking about bootcamp as if its a virtual box I want to pry out their eyes with a screw driver. Gen. Nick, your acting like a douche on this thread. Mac users can emulate Linux or windows 7/xp if they have the right equipment. However windows users might not be able to, because macs are handicapped about what hardware they support so they don't work on computers that have parts that haven't been graced by Steve jobs.

tl;dr: shut up Gen Nick, you have no clue what your talking about, but neither do most of the people in this thread.

Off Topic / Re: Grade school memories.
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:25:26 PM »
-forget it nevermind-

edit: holy stuff digmasters back?

What the? Digmaster?

Schools out, blockland updated, and now I know lots-o- programming. I'll mess with blockland a bit, try to make some mods.

Off Topic / Re: Grade school memories.
« on: June 10, 2010, 05:07:52 PM »
and your still in grade school, grade school continues on to high school.

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