Author Topic: lovetomb faces [bitch wet like the ganges]  (Read 2676 times)

i make literal stuff for a living
this is my money laundering job so i can hide my drug empire

give me your pretty face and i'll defecate deface it

« Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 02:50:05 PM by Path »

3rd is egoraptor and i dont know how i recognized it

3rd is egoraptor and i dont know how i recognized it
lel half of these is ego but c if you can spot the trash man
Also ill do that one when i get home tomorrow

first is vape nation

second is trash man?

3rd and 5th are both egoraptor stuff I'm pretty sure.

2nd looks a lot like danny devito

plsplsplsplslpslpsplsplsplspl slssplplsplssssssssss

gimme some time to do it brb

i may be mistaken but is that last one from metalocalpyse

i may be mistaken but is that last one from metalocalpyse
its egoraptor but i see where u get the reference


new faces, new stupidity, different day

thats a lot of doctors
