Exercising for Football

Author Topic: Exercising for Football  (Read 3518 times)

Good god.

Get into running, training only gets as complex as "go run 5 miles".

Now that you've exercised, and really got your heart pumping, go reward yourself with some brownies and pork rinds  :cookieMonster:
Your right, except the pork rinds *Pukes

Good god.

Get into running, training only gets as complex as "go run 5 miles".
It would be boring because not much to see, I live in the country and there is not much to see, except riding fast on your quads in the feilds, so running might be pointless lol. And I believe in the treadmill exercising, but I will try running around the field (4 acres).
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 09:00:53 PM by Slugger »

i run (kinda jog because its easier to hear the tv) on the treadmill for near 2 hours every night.
to hell with going outdoors lol :p

Just run on the school track with a black trash bag over your head.

Just run on the school track with a black trash bag over your head.
Uh.... my school doesn't have a track and yet, they manage to make a track team, they run from this small bridge down past my house, my sister makes fun of them. No she is not mean, they know she is joking, anyway that is a LONG way.

Just run on the school track with a black trash bag over your head.
my school leaves the track open for the community

30 minutes is nothing.  I used to do triathlons, THAT stuffS HARD! One day I would train for running, maybe 10 to 15 kilometer run. Next day I would train for biking 20 to 40 kilometers. Then swimming which is my weakest.  I like talking about it cause it makes me feel cool.

I like talking about it cause it makes me feel cool.

Same here, except swimming is my strong point. Swimming>cycling>running.