Author Topic: Post pics of your army men  (Read 3796 times)

just post some pics of your army men, or army men vehicles

What? Do you mean those little Green and Tan things? If so exit on the door to your right.

I bought like a hundred pack once for like $2 and did all kinds of crazy things to them.

I enjoy melting their feet to weld them to rocks and such.

i mean, actuly POST pics of army men

Army men are for young children.

me and a friend got like a 100 pack from some toy store at the mall.
we glued them to the ceiling of his office. they been having a little upside down battle for 2 years now.

Pictures, that sounds awesome.

Here's a picture of a couple of army men from my gigantic set. (Too many to post)

I love your army men Vert, where you buy them at? LOL

I love your army men Vert, where you buy them at? LOL
uh oh, That's VH not Vert.