
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2202800 times)

How is Sanders in the lead? Deion Sanders, Barry Sanders, or Emanuel Sanders?

we could yknow
build a wall that extends down below ground
and has sensors n stuff to detect people trying to dig tunnels through
Add another 200 billion to your budget for thousands of seismic sensors sensitive enough to detect tunnel digging, for twice the materials and tons, and i mean TONS of digging, plus more billions per year for having experts looking at said sensors to detect when someone's digging a tunnel, only to have your sensor readings become invalid the moment an animal walks overhead. It's simply not possible lol, there's too much noise to detect tunnel digging, which is a very small reading if done deep enough and softly enough.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 10:31:53 PM by Ipquarx »

Add another 200 billion to your budget for thousands of seismic sensors sensitive enough to detect tunnel digging, for twice the materials and tons, and i mean TONS of digging, plus more billions per year for having experts looking at said sensors to detect when someone's digging a tunnel, only to have your sensor readings become invalid the moment an animal walks overhead. It's simply not possible lol, there's too much noise to detect tunnel digging, which is a very small reading if done deep enough and softly enough.
easy. cut obamacare and other left-wing big government programs, and stop giving billions of dollars to countries that hate us (like the 150 billion dollars we just recently gave iran)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 10:40:12 PM by Planr »

easy. cut obamacare and other left-wing big government programs, and stop giving billions of dollars to countries that hate us (like the 150 billion dollars we just recently gave iran)
there's too much noise to detect tunnel digging
You just can't detect it reliably. Single footsteps. Birds landing on the wall. Cars driving. Trees falling. Small earthquakes (Which happen extremely frequently, believe it or not), the list goes on. You wouldn't even be able to tell exactly where it came from, only a general location. You'd have to dig gigantic holes in the middle of nowhere every time you heard a signal, which would be ridiculously expensive and could have serious rammifications on the ecology and geology of the area.

There comes a point where the outcome doesn't justify the cost. Walling off all of Mexico is that point. As stated before, not only can you tunnel under it, but you can go around it, you can go over it, hell you can go through it with explosives. It just wouldn't be effective enough to justify the cost, which would be nearing a trillion dollars were we to put everything you mentioned. Even if you could seriously justify cutting out welfare and publicly-funded healthcare altogether (Which Annoying Orange doesn't want to do. In fact, he wants to give EVERYONE access to healthcare. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Annoying Orange-heart-healthcare-everybody/2016/01/31/id/712069/ ) It would still add a massive amount of money to our already insanely big debt ( http://www.usdebtclock.org/ $19,019,691,475,499 as of this post ), putting us further in the hole.

Not really, it was said for a while that he wanted to run.
Still, he has never held an office. He's not as qualified as Hillary and Bernie

we could yknow
build a wall that extends down below ground
and has sensors n stuff to detect people trying to dig tunnels through
so basically solar-freaking roadways but with border control?

iirc, the cost of producing a concrete wall that extends over the entire US-Mexico border is in the hundreds of billions. the manpower and resources needed to equip (and later maintain) that wall with sensitive electronics would be ridiculous.

i hate to tell you how to do poltiics, but diverting the government's entire budget to a single public work is traditionally not a conservative ideal.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:17:23 PM by SeventhSandwich »

so basically solar-freaking roadways but with border control?
This is the best way I've heard of describing it

Not really, it was said for a while that he wanted to run.
Wanting to have political experience and having political experience are two different things

the 'we hate hillary' bandwagon is really mystifying. like, you guys realize she's just obama 2, right? i dont understand it lol. she's the most moderate candidate around on p much every issue. its amazing that someone gets angry with her. it's like violently hating the movie National Treasure

sanders 2016

you guys realize she's just obama 2, right?
that's why most people dislike her, as well as because of her constant habitual lying.

Annoying Orange in the New York Republican primary.
Possibly Bernie in the presidential election, if he wins his party's nomination.

the 'we hate hillary' bandwagon is really mystifying. like, you guys realize she's just obama 2, right? i dont understand it lol. she's the most moderate candidate around on p much every issue. its amazing that someone gets angry with her. it's like violently hating the movie National Treasure
The idea is that she's just a corporate shill and political insider. She's constantly caught flip-flopping on issues and has been recorded taking massive donations from big banks. The fact she constantly plays up the fact she's a woman as a reason to vote for her is also annoying.

so basically solar-freaking roadways but with border control?

iirc, the cost of producing a concrete wall that extends over the entire US-Mexico border is in the hundreds of billions. the manpower and resources needed to equip (and later maintain) that wall with sensitive electronics would be ridiculous.

i hate to tell you how to do poltiics, but diverting the government's entire budget to a single public work is traditionally not a conservative ideal.
I don't think it would cost "hundreds of billions" but I agree its not the best idea by far. That said, its either that or voting for a candidate that practically wants open borders. I'm a real law and order type guy: I don't give a stuff if we have immigrants regardless of their race, but I want everyone to follow the law, and I want a government that's not afraid to enforce its own laws. That said, I am by no means a conservative and don't really care about "small government" like most republicans.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 02:26:39 AM by DrenDran »

it always kinda irritates me when people blindly hate Annoying Orange because the media told them to
it's especially obvious when you hear people call him a 'tribal' or 'misogynist'

the bernie movement is good for the Annoying Orange campaign since it's motivating young dems against hillary,
and when she wins the nomination (bernie literally has no chance) the youngians will hate her so much
they'll drop a vote to the republicans

the youngians will hate her so much
they'll drop a vote to the republicans

it always kinda irritates me when people blindly hate Annoying Orange because the media told them to
it's especially obvious when you hear people call him a 'tribal' or 'misogynist'

the bernie movement is good for the Annoying Orange campaign since it's motivating young dems against hillary,
and when she wins the nomination (bernie literally has no chance) the youngians will hate her so much
they'll drop a vote to the republicans

it always kinda irritates me when people blindly support Annoying Orange because FOX News told them to
it's especially obvious when you see people think Annoying Orange isn't a 'tribal' or 'misogynist'

the Annoying Orange movement is good for the democratic win since it motivates democrats to actually vote, and when Annoying Orange wins the nomination, the youngians (reminder your profile states you're 13) will be scared stuffless that they'll vote for whoever has the democratic nomination