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Messages - tapemaster21

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 237
Off Topic / Re: Forumers that are newsworthy
« on: February 20, 2023, 05:02:43 PM »
Back on topic, ICTON is/was blockland memebers. Founded by djy1991 from here.

Off Topic / Re: [GSF]Ghost passed away last year
« on: July 05, 2022, 08:43:49 PM »
RIP to a true homie.  :cookie:

Yo! what's going on?? yeah I didn't make much of a lasting impression when I played, too many hiatuses :p. aren't you the guy who made that awesome ski park on Kitchen? oh and I've got this picture from way back

shout out to reformist, he built some awesome stuff.
Indeed, twas me :D

Reformist was a homie for sure.

All these Bisjac stories are interesting. I bought a GPU from him and it worked for a long time. He's the reason I was able to play Oblivion. I probably still have his business card somewhere that he put in the box.


Hey thats me  :cookieMonster:
I'm alive and whatnot. The ol job and video games lifestyle. I don't recall your name specifically but howdy!

Anyone remember TheWorm/w0rmaster? He's the guy that made the argyle sweater and overalls decals, i haven't seen him since we played Little Big Planet together over 10 years ago

He's doing good as far as I know. I tried to help him with a computer transfer issue some time last year. He's been playin a lot of phantasy star online or something recently. lol He came to my house some years ago to hang out with me and Dunes. Him, Dunes, Syntho, and Reaper did some stuff in cali a long while back-ish.

I miss old community games. Matchmaking ruined the friend ships that you could gain by playing on the same servers with the same people all the time.

Off Topic / Re: og blockland users where you at
« on: September 18, 2020, 12:36:54 PM »
I don't have any saves like that sadly.

Off Topic / Re: og blockland users where you at
« on: September 18, 2020, 12:28:34 PM »
OG checking in.

Off Topic / Re: hey blf i got engaged
« on: September 19, 2018, 12:20:14 AM »
Gratz :D <3

I was also buds with Icy. Been a long time since I've talked to him :(

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: January 22, 2018, 12:07:59 AM »
It is absolutely Rise of Blockland! Thank you very much, that has been bothering me on and off for weeks now. Also, sup snot

Now get off my lawn, blah blah drama.
Oh my I recognize that. Also MLD, GFD and Barn all in a row :D

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: January 15, 2018, 03:24:24 AM »

i still have tape on steam so we're all good. thanks though :)

I don't know what your steam name is but I don't doubt it. I keep all my friend people :D

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: September 19, 2017, 10:42:26 PM »

General Discussion / Re: B4v21 - When Blockland still had maps. (NEW TOPIC)
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:03:02 PM »
really? can you also upload your addons? it would be really cool if you had some add-ons that came from the forums, which have been lost forever due to dead download links
thanks so much for the installers!

EDIT: it also would be really cool if you have any pre-v9 add-ons, before the actual add-on zip system was put in place

EDIT2: also, do you have any saves for specific gamemodes? i'd like to host some old gamemodes/servers and it would be great to have an old build to go along with it

I have everything I've ever had in Blockland, so yes. I never saved much of other peoples' stuff and I didn't build much useful myself so I can see what I have of saves but won't promise anything. I'll put some stuff together soon and hopefully toss it on my google drive. I also have no intention of sorting duplicates or anything, so I'm gonna like, just copy out the addons folder from each of my blockland installs and whatnot. I'll compress them and see about file sizes and whatnot though.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I could just dump all post-V9 addons in one folder and that would eliminate duplicates. I'll do that. V8s I won't because who knows what needs what to work. That whole system is a dumpster fire for organization.

EDIT2: Holy forget this nostalgia. We used to use a bow to decollision bricks. My god. I loaded up my first blockland I had just to play around and boy howdy do I miss the fun I had.

EDIT3: Here's stuff.
The pre V9 addons totaled to 55MB zipped up which is pretty reasonable. I can't promise I have anything useful but it's all there. Post is 239MB, and I noticed I had a lot of models and stuff that I guess downloaded when I joined servers. I probably should've taken them out but whatever. 239 isn't too bad really.

If you need me to dig for anything in specific, or if one of the Post V9 mod's doesn't work, I can see if I have multiple copies in different places or older versions of the same thing that may be working. I will be able to see PMs really quickly compared to me having to check this thread.

I also don't remember the file structure for maps and such and I don't know how much of a pain those would be to export but I do have everything, so idk maybe if you really need them or something. Have fun with stuff though :D I'm glad my data hording came of use!

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: September 13, 2017, 09:11:58 PM »
I forgot to answer the question posed at me in OP.

how's life been treating you and
I finally finished college in the spring and am now working full time. Computer science woo.

do you play the game anymore?
Not really. Sometimes I hop on when others I know are playing, but that was probably one of the big reasons I stopped initially. The community continued to grow and grow while everyone I knew and loved started to move on to other games. I also played a lot of Garry's Mod. It kinda overshadowed BL as a creative tool for me (due to wiremod). The loss of maps took a huge toll on me personally because I've been playing since 2005, I need to be in that bedroom.

General Discussion / Re: B4v21 - When Blockland still had maps. (NEW TOPIC)
« on: September 10, 2017, 02:02:19 AM »
stuff you're right, it is 17. Huh.

Yeah, Lanhoj and BJWayBandit I think were behind it.

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