
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162934 times)

give it another shot. play in bot games/custom games. It is really a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

i tried to play this game once but i got kicked because i was really bad at it, even though my buddy was going the same lane as me because he knew i sucked.
erm you cant get kicked

I just beat a darius in lane as tryndamere, but the 20 farm darius was 2 stronk for my team because my team decided to fight while i was splitting and blame me for them losing the fight. Splitting is what Tryndamere is supposed to do, split and duel. Team fights are hardly ideal, especially when the other team has an annie that our mid decided to feed 9/1 in lane. Solo queue is so frustrating.

ive had 2 pentas stolen today while i was playing a fed Rek'Sai

erm you cant get kicked
kicked as in totally loving destroyed in the chat

ie. "kicked" my ass

I just beat a darius in lane as tryndamere, but the 20 farm darius was 2 stronk for my team because my team decided to fight while i was splitting and blame me for them losing the fight. Splitting is what Tryndamere is supposed to do, split and duel. Team fights are hardly ideal, especially when the other team has an annie that our mid decided to feed 9/1 in lane. Solo queue is so frustrating.

Well did you tell them not to loving fight when you are splitting?

Today people who haven't been chat restricted or banned or vice-versa will get a free skin mystery gift from rito.

Well did you tell them not to loving fight when you are splitting?
indeed I did, and they dont listen to me. Even worse, our jungler did not know how to control dragon, or just didn't care enough to do it. I have no idea how to win games when your jungle/bot dont care about drag, and that is very prevalent down here in Silver 3

Today people who haven't been chat restricted or banned or vice-versa will get a free skin mystery gift from rito.
Fnatic Jarvan

bleh I got Professor Ryze

o well it was free

Do you have to retrieve it today or what did you mean? Is it still there later?

Headhunter Master Yi ... I am honestly probably the worst Master Yi