Author Topic: Best chemical for removing blood stains?  (Read 1759 times)

Hey guys, I was just wondering if you had any tips for burying something big. Like around 4-5 feet big. I don't have alot of time, please hurry.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 03:32:24 PM by Googalini »

just douse the body with lighter fluid in the place you murdered them bro. all the evidence will be gone if no one heard or called the police.

just douse the body with lighter fluid in the place you murdered them bro. all the evidence will be gone if no one heard or called the police.

I have a cabinet, not a body. It's old and rotten, and I would hate to haul it to the dump, especially in my shiny new car.

Nobody's gonna make fun of you for burning either bro

Nobody's gonna make fun of you for burning either bro

Well, thanks for the tip anyway. I don't truly wish harm on the environment, but if it means getting rid of filth then so be it.

Sorry for interrupting you guys, but I accidentally cut myself while trying to light the cabinet on fire. Now it's all over my sofa, and I'd like to know how to scrub it off, and what chemicals are best for it.

fire should get rid of all wood and evidence of bloodstains. dont ask me how i know this but your body should burn faster if it's ripe

I have had good results with club soda

stick two finger in ass

Hydrogen peroxide and cold water. Scrub thoroughly. Apply as soon as possible; it will stain if it dries. Some kind of detergent may also help

molten cheese, pour it all over the stain and make up a story that you spilled your nacho cheese drink everywhere

Just recolor the sofa red. Nobody will notice the stain anymore.