Author Topic: Pong  (Read 1265 times)

My pong save.  I origionally made it for Saturday Night Blockland so excuse the stage.  Needs 1 opperator and 2 players.  Green button spawns a pong, red resets the game.  It's made on the default colorset.  There are 2 invisible bricks by the start and reset buttons.  Dont clear them, they fix a paddle movement problem.  If you want to try to hit the green button then rush over to play to, prepare to lose a point.  Opponent is launched in minigames for losing.  Don't comment about the way it looks.  The game works great.  Put the save in Bedroom.  Feel free to add your x/10 ratings.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:44:23 PM by Lord Pie »

Hogan made one that is 100X better.

Isn't the Pong the paddle, and the ball is just called the ball?

Isn't the Pong the paddle, and the ball is just called the ball?

uhh, i think itscalled a pingpong ball

Isn't the Pong the paddle, and the ball is just called the ball?

Pongs the Ball

uhh, i think itscalled a pingpong ball
That's table tennis you dumbforget.