Author Topic: What brickpack is brick25InvRampCornerData from?  (Read 327 times)

I have the weirdest problem.
I have a brick type (inverted 25 degree corner ramp brick) in one server but not in another.
But I don't want to transfer every single brick add-on to try and get it.
So can someone tell me what add-on it's a part of?

If they have icons, just echo the file name? At the very least just use any .zip viewer's search feature.

At the very least just use any .zip viewer's search feature.
I got like a few hundred add-ons, I can't search though them all indivdually. (windows search returned nothing)
If they have icons, just echo the file name?
I could try, yes

thanks a bunch truce
it was brick_1randompack