Author Topic: Gizmo's Treasure Hunt  (Read 2674 times)

Logo by some friend

What is this?

Simply put, you go around the bedroom and find the treasure chest bricks. First one to find them all, wins. While it may sound incredibly easy, the chests aren't just placed for all to see, they are craftily hidden, one must notice differences in order to find them.

Why should I join?

Donations didn't work so whoever wins will become the Treasure Champ until the next treasure hunt, which will be harder.

When will this occur?

This server will only be open on the date of August 24th, this Saturday, from the hours of 3 P.M. EST to 8 P.M. EST. On the off chance nobody finds all the chests, a new date will be picked. (If I get the necessary materials to save chests for each player I will do that, as of now I haven't found said materials so if anyone has insight on that please PM me)

« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 12:37:03 PM by Gizmo. »

thanks for that one :^)

how many chests are there

I haven't seen a treasure hunt server in ages.
Anyway I'll be here for sure!

45 Chests right now, max will be 50

Sweet. Ill probably go there.

How much do you think could be donated in total to the server to support this?

How much do you think could be donated in total to the server to support this?

I don't think people will right away, but hopefully.

not to say that i would be the one to do it, but what if someone were to save the map and find the chests illegitimately in SP, then return knowing the locations of all of them?

Looks cool, but this isn't a new idea.

what prevents people from just following 1 person and getting their treasure chests

Why did you include a chest location in OP.

since there will be actual money involved, if I were you I would contact me about making it so you can't use hacks to find the location of the chests using client sided code

Why did you include a chest location in OP.

Because they are a couple of the easiest, if you can't find those, you won't win anyway

yay! This is on my birthday!