Author Topic: █EDC 2017█ Bisjac & Tony  (Read 9487 times)

Hay blocklanders. Summer of bisjac again, this time in vegas for the fest. (weekend june16-18)
Tony is joining me for the party, along with my bro.
Join us while there is still time. We got a hotel room, and girls, and candy.

message me to detail.

we will also image-blog the stuff out of this topic of naked girls and party.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 09:06:52 AM by Bisjac »

Harvest as much meat as you possibly can.

what the forget why did you and tony meet up?

are you gonna form the political kool kids klub and cleanse the non-altrights?

i wouldn't invite tony again, he'd be banned by making a topic to raise money so he can go on a plane trip to vegas

if i go will i get any free two and a half tonys merch?

if i go will i get any free two and a half tonys merch?

You won't get it free but I'll offer it 1/4 off.

no gofundme? looks like a step in the right direction

why vegas of all places

You won't get it free but I'll offer it 1/4 off.
please posts cost estimates for signed and unsigned merch and ill consider attending

Well ... edc

ah, yeah, that's a good reason to go to las vegas lol

holy stuff please for the love of god film it

Will be lots of pics lol

lol sounds pretty wild