Author Topic: I killed StoreClerk...  (Read 5455 times)

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By not using the thumbnailed link you dolt

So your noobhunta. I'm going to kick your ass 3 ways to the retail release.

So your noobhunta. I'm going to kick your ass 3 ways to the retail release.

I'll do that too..if I ever get on.

I read a bunch of articles about people whining and bitching about Store, so I took justice into my own hands.


  • Guest
I don't really like store either, but theres no reason to start a topic about how you killed him.

I'm sure this breaks the rules, as it very simillar to flaming.

What people DONT know is that StoreClerk was not fighting back, and was running in a straight line. They also don't know the countless times Noobhunta has been owned by StoreClerk and Myself (I got 2.5k off the noob haha)

Congrats, you win the internetz.