
Are you going to commit suicide now?

115 (10.8%)
151 (14.2%)
I already did
798 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 1061

Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2143173 times)

Why is there a mini stool in the pizzabox
have you ever had dominoes, pizza hut, anything like that
that's like almost mandatory for boxed pizza

Where can I get one
go to any big-name pizzerias

Where can I get one

Whenever you order a pizza, generally. There's really no use to them other than for that though...?

In the time before time, there were four alien beings.
One of the beings discovered a way to look into the future of the universe through the eyes of an organism that had yet to be created.
The being taught the other beings to do this.
Eventually, they all decided to see the universe through the eyes of the same future organism.
The organism would later be classified as a member of the homo sapiens species.
It began to search through pages and pages of crude images on a website called ... DeviantArt.
The alien beings wanted to look away, but they couldn't. Image after image, they became more and more addicted to the experience, even though it was slowly poisoning their minds.
In given time, they lost their sanity. Like clay, they molded themselves into one ultra tiny blue ball. They lost their sentience and became the Four Forces: Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force, Gravitational Force and Electromagnetic Force.
The ball rapidly expanded, forming the universe and paving the way for the existence of Humanity.
For an eternity, it was just those four alien beings, floating in nothingness and chatting about ... Stuff.
DeviantArt killed them, but also created the universe as we know it.

In the time before time, there were four alien beings.
One of the beings discovered a way to look into the future of the universe through the eyes of an organism that had yet to be created.
The being taught the other beings to do this.
Eventually, they all decided to see the universe through the eyes of the same future organism.
The organism would later be classified as a member of the homo sapiens species.
It began to search through pages and pages of crude images on a website called ... DeviantArt.
The alien beings wanted to look away, but they couldn't. Image after image, they became more and more addicted to the experience, even though it was slowly poisoning their minds.
In given time, they lost their sanity. Like clay, they molded themselves into one ultra tiny blue ball. They lost their sentience and became the Four Forces: Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force, Gravitational Force and Electromagnetic Force.
The ball rapidly expanded, forming the universe and paving the way for the existence of Humanity.
For an eternity, it was just those four alien beings, floating in nothingness and chatting about ... Stuff.
DeviantArt killed them, but also created the universe as we know it.
as long as you don't post a hellsing comic (that isn't the manga) i'll be fine

yum i love furry vore pizza


First one is hot, but I think I need a new pair of sides after that second one

Mr Man stop giving me nightmares im scared pls stop

Mr Man is the final boss of the internet

snoop dog's got nothin on me
He will go to his smoking room at the sight of what you post

snoop dogg could forgetin destroy mr man

[img ]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/235/6/7/elsa_s_icecream_binge_by_metalforever-d7wdhzk.png[/img]
that second picture looks like a carrot

do not let it go

please do not let 100 gallons of ice cream go