Author Topic: Specialty Mining - Shades of Minecraft  (Read 4952 times)

Okay, it's another infinite mining mod. Big deal, right? Indeed. If it's not your cup of tea, or coffee if you'd prefer, no need to come in here and yell about it.

Specialty Mining
Working title.

So I am currently very sleep deprived, and I've actually started working on something! That doesn't happen, I don't work on things. Well, it does and I am now. The current features list is as follows:
  • Dwarf Fortress-esque layered ground

Ground is layered in one thick, person-height layer, followed by a thinner layer and repeating this pattern ad infinitum (on the Z axis).

  • Strata Layering

I don't remember if 'strata' is the word for this, but as you go to higher layers, you begin to dig into sand. As you go lower, you begin to dig into stone. Sand is weak, stone is strong and dirt is in the middle, but the ores also differ between layers.

  • Carving

Another steal from Dwarf Fortress, the ability to carve a block of the area into stairs, and to carve other shapes as well. No, there is no plans to accommodate those of you who are prone to fey moods.

  • Level & Pick system

As you mine, you gain experience. As you gain experience, you level up. However your potential is limited by how well-repaired your pick is.

  • Randomized Ore System

Rather than finding bricks of ores, you find small chunks of them inside other bricks.[/list]

Planned features:
  • Extended Ores

When you find ores, there will be a small chance for a pocket to be generated. This pocket basically gives several bricks in the surrounding area much higher-quality ores of that type, which are valuable for more than just selling.

  • Building System

Collecting stone allows you to build with stone - or dirt, if that's your thing. You can also trade with the 'Surface World' for Wood, which will be a very cheap alternative (there is a fairly low chance of extracting a usable chunk of stone). You also need to claim areas to build on them, and claimed areas cannot be mined out unless declaimed.

  • Trading System

As well as trading with the surface world for building materials, it will also have a demand system in place. Stone may be in demand and trading it could net you a pretty penny. Gems are generally always in demand if you can get sizeable ones.[/list]

Thoughts? Ideas? Naysaying?
As for you 'pix' people, it's rather simple as it resembles bricks on any other server! Fancy that. I'm currently using the RPG Pickaxe model (linked directly from the RPG Tools zip, not copied over) and I must credit Kalphiter's infinite mining mod as a reference. This isn't an edit of it, but it uses all the same techniques. Although I actually call .plant() so you can build inside mine :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 03:24:14 PM by M »

Will there be a "Surface Layer" that contains enviroment entites such as Trees, and Boulders? Also, love the idea. Sounds a bit like Minecraft.

I've thought about doing a surface layer but I'm not sure about it yet, as it'd need to have the whole surface.

I could however start with the surface layer and then work off that, but still I'd have to generate the area.

I want crafting.  :cookieMonster:
Insert screenshots of ripoff Minecraft crafting GUI here.
It may happen

Insert screenshots of ripoff Minecraft crafting GUI here.
It may happen
I would like the mining to be like voxels (download the cave demo and shoot the walls, you will know what I mean). It would be possible to some degree, though it may lag.

All the mining that I have seen be released are really crappy. I would create one myself, but can't atm.

I would like the mining to be like voxels (download the cave demo and shoot the walls, you will know what I mean). It would be possible to some degree, though it may lag.

All the mining that I have seen be released are really crappy. I would create one myself, but can't atm.
That is an amazing demo.

That is an amazing demo.
If you like it, you should try Voxelstien 3d. Literally everything is destructible, and it is made off of that engine.

Sounds like your're making a basic dwarf fortress to me, which is amazing. You should just basically remake the whole digging/mining/building system minus having to hit enter twice to make it go.

Well I've just got the brick placement for 'ramps' working, due to the fact that a unit is 6x6 it's very steep. 4 plates per step up actually, and five bricks for the ramp. I also found out what was messing with my brickcount there and fixed that, so I now have an accurate brickcount again (I was using plant() as well as manually incrementing the brickcount. Durp)

Now I just need to do up a quick tool to craft a ramp from a block, facing away from you (that is, moving forward walks up it) and then I think I'll call it a day. It's 3pm, that means this project is officially 15 hours old.

Edit: Victory! Baby steps have been taken, ramps are now working. It takes half as much beating and hammering with a carving pick to create a ramp from a block, and it otherwise has the same rewards aside from halved potential cash output. I'll probably rethink this later but for now it seems logical... I also need to look into how one will place a ramp where there isn't a block to carve it from.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 01:36:49 AM by M »

Newest update - as of this morning before I had to mash alt-f4 and get out of the house, claims officially work. Right now to make a claim there is /claim width [height], where height is optional (if omitted, defaults to width). You pay 5G for every 2 cells when you claim, I just need to optimize it to break the claiming process into scheduled ticks as right now, it has to loop through all the cells. Considering using zones for this rather than a cell grid but right now, it DOES work. Size will also be capped (for a single claiming) to a total size of 64x64x128 (as it counts the flat layer as a separate cell).

I also thought about it today and odds are, I'll sometime be doing a GUI for this. The GUI will handle things like Claiming, Pick Repairs, Tool Purchases and Material Trading, and any eventual character management and crafting. Then again, I may also be lazy.


I've implemented religion! Nah just kidding. I did something better - saving. All bricks, grid data, claims, and client data is now saved. It's not using base saving either, because that wouldn't save ownership right as there is no baseplates and everything is technically flying in the sky, and I'm hoping to stresstest it later today (that is, I'm hoping to get like 40,000 or more bricks, a few claims and some other stuff and then save to see how long it takes) and if that goes well, then I'll add it onto an autosave tick.

My next plan is to fix ramps so that you can dig them from the top, facing away from you. That shouldn't be too hard, I'll just swap your directions if you're indeed higher than the top of the brick.

Add bombs and more "advanced" things like a mini-drill, or something.

Seems awesome so far, can't wait.