Author Topic: [PARTICLE] Flower Petals (v2)  (Read 14828 times)

i never knew this add-on existed
it looks /really/ nice, good work

whoa that restoration from the dead

still it means more can discover this

the pollen made me sneeze this add-on is not safe

the pollen made me sneeze this add-on is not safe
Oh, darn, guess i'll remove the download link then!

you should make a whole package of "ambient particles".
the few that are around are not to well made.

you should make a whole package of "ambient particles".
the few that are around are not to well made.
What ones did you have in mind?

What ones did you have in mind?
floating dollar bill particles


major ones are the fogs we have, that try to be to fast moving, or smokey and unnatural, or cloud like.

butterflys are close, but they are similar to the old petals, way to blatant and fast. there could be many amazing insects/spiders/birds/snakes/frogs/rats particles that can add effects to all sorts of builds.
- water related. fish/schools of bitty fish

or how candles work, i dont know if thats more of a light addon then an effect. but the few options we have are not very subtle. the fire effect of them or any "fire places"/torches/camp fires look, vs how the damaging or explosion fire effects we see being used everywhere always look odd.

and of course, water. all we have is a few gushing water types. all look odd in any use but a literal waterfall. bl needs more smaller scale water effects.
- slow single dripping.
- drop hitting the ground kinda effect to go with above drop.
- or very light effects to almost add "wet effect" to the area. (lol shaders -.-)
- mist, close to certain fogs so maybe thats not needed as a separate particle.

in my head, it seems to main fix to any particle is to just have a much much lower speed of emitting lol
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 11:05:55 PM by Bisjac »

I don't think spiders, birds, snakes, frogs, and rats would look good or believable as particles, and while fish could work, the particle would eventually have to disappear before emitting a new set of particles

Butterflies could work, but it would still look awkward, particles can animate (for a fluttering motion), but they can't loop, and they'd be flying around aimlessly or flying through walls or the floor

I don't really know what to do about a candle/torch fire besides a fire with a staggering emission rate

Water drops and splashes are possible, but that can also be done with projectiles, like Muffinmix's rain physics, except optimized, so instead of creating a dozen debris, it could just emit particles in a circular pattern where the projectile impacts

I'm not sure how one would make a particle that makes things look wet

As for mist, Fog B looks pretty mist like

floating dollar bill particles

It's raining money!

Hopefully it shouldn't be a problem considering it was to update and revive an old add-on
it's not, i was just absolutely appalled for a moment though.

Is the color based on the color of the brick? That would be neat.

Is the color based on the color of the brick? That would be neat.