Author Topic: Latest kidalex ban  (Read 17252 times)

to be more specific:
29450 = pecon7
9643 = pecon, again
25688 = jia
12643 = remanedur
46342 = port
258 = verticalhorizon
16104 = bugs
48685 = forum
40024 = vigil
9849 = vigil, again
1768 = zeustal
127425 = mayoman/papiomike
these are all based off blid lookup, so things should be fairly accurate
people acting like complete and utter handicaps/spergs isn't an excuse to release stuff like kidalex has and that's the bottom line

It takes a special form of autism to have a vendetta against most of the current population of the forums

dammit the thread is gone I wanted to read the clusterforget but it's gone

there was no clusterforget it reached 2 pages before it was deleted

for WHAT reason am i not on the list
more like why am i not on the list

the fact that im on the list is absolutely forgetin hysterical

i wonder if he just couldnt find my IDs

what sort of addon was it aside from a shapename forgeter upper

changed your avatar nodes to the anorexic chest and skeleton arms and then killed you

jesus what is with kidalex honestly

i got both feet in the gene pool

changed your avatar nodes to the anorexic chest and skeleton arms and then killed you
also once you were killed it printed a large red impact font message in chat saying "<user> is a transmission! lol!" and played a random sfx of a guy saying "lol"