Author Topic: Swholli's Super V9 Decal Pack!  (Read 21833 times)

Though I doubt anyone would (seeing as the people here are too new to have seen my decals) I'm doing this before anyone starts packaging my decals. Plus, it's got some goodies in there that hadn't been released yet.

(NOTE: there aren't any pictures of it yet)


And though I'm running short on time while posting this, I'll update with some ingame pics later, for now, heres what you get:


They include:
Baseball Face
Bat Man's Mask
Bruce Willias from Die Hard
A Crazy Face
A Secret Agent
Animal Crossing Male faces 1-8
Aviator Glasses
A Fat Camper
Female In The Sun
The Grinch
Very Happy :D
Hippie From the 70's
Indiana Jones
The Joker
Peter Griffin
Agent Smith
Spidey's Mask


They Include:
80's vest (Dirty and Non-Dirty ;D)
Roundhead Sheep
Roundhead T-shirt
Bat Man
Different Colored Bikinis
Baseball (two different teams)
Bruce Willias from Die Hard
Christmas Elf
Grinch Fur
Hawaiian Shirt
Riddler's Suit
Indiana Jones with or without Jacket
The Joker's Suit (not from Dark Knight)
1337 Squad Shirt (for those geeky Block Buy stores)
Peter Griffin's Shirt
Agent Smith's Suit
Spidey's Suit
Pink Floyd's The Wall T-Shirt
Hippie Vest

Yay! Mediafire works again!

So that's it. With the upload done, these are the best decals I have, or really they're the ones worth downloading. Enjoy!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 10:15:20 AM by Swholli »

Thought I locked this. Oh well. Mediafire is almost done.

Though I'm not sure how they will fare whether I packed them right. I followed Wedge's tutorial, but for some reason my Blockland won't load for me to find out.

EDIT: Just Checked, they will in fact work perfectly. So as soon as mediafire decides to be done, I will have this up.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 01:39:52 AM by Swholli »

ohnoes, trader was right about the indiana jones D:

But the face matches the RL one so well....
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 02:45:14 AM by jirue »

Yay! for smily fat kid
lol  I am going to download this just so i can have 1337 Squad, Peter Grifen, The Grinch, and SHEEP! >:D
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 09:45:30 AM by jirue »

Bump for the fact that the links work now. :D

Bump for the fact that the links work now. :D

Orly, everytime i try decals it says error and brings me to this page D=

No, the links work. Nice job...

ohnoes, trader was right about the indiana jones D:

But the face matches the RL one so well....

Lol, this isn't what I was talking about.


I never saw the Animal Crossing ones for v8, or are they new ;o

nice may DL because i dumped all of my add-ons  :cookieMonster: :panda: