Author Topic: Script_LeaveID  (Read 6169 times)

This is very simple script that anyone can do.

that doesnt make it any less useful or discredit it lol

that doesnt make it any less useful or discredit it lol

did you just reply to yourself


i meant on different accounts you silly billy

Surprised this wasn't made yet, really useful.
aswell as A_TEE
at this rate everyone will have Tee in their names in no time!
I call grTeedayseth

i meant on different accounts you silly billy
you're dumb.

you're dumb.
You're just the sunshine of this topic aren't you

This is very simple script that anyone can do.
I seen 100% of servers' scripts is not similar to this.

Good job on your first add-on, keep it up. One thing I can suggest though is to return the parent to avoid potentially breaking things.

To do that, I believe it's -
Code: (server.cs) [Select]
function GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame(%c)
%r = Parent::onClientLeaveGame(%c);
announce("\c1" @ @ "'s BL_ID is \c3" @ %c.BL_ID);
return %r;

Also you don't need a namecheck.txt in this add-on.  You only really need that if you have custom resources.  So if somewhere in your script you had a full file path like this iconName.
Code: (brick.cs) [Select]
datablock fxDTSBrickData (brick2x2difrentData : brick2x2Data)
uiName = "difrent 2x2";
iconName = "Add-Ons/Brick_Difrent2x2/difrent2x2icon";
You would need a namecheck.txt to ensure that no one changes the name of your add-on, thereby making it impossible to load certain assets.

Wait, can you just use the Default Script in the game with /ban ID (ID) (time) (Reason)?

To do that, I believe it's -
Code: (server.cs) [Select]
function GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame(%c)
%r = Parent::onClientLeaveGame(%c);
announce("\c1" @ @ "'s BL_ID is \c3" @ %c.BL_ID);
return %r;

Also you don't need a namecheck.txt in this add-on.  You only really need that if you have custom resources.  So if somewhere in your script you had a full file path like this iconName.
Code: (brick.cs) [Select]
datablock fxDTSBrickData (brick2x2difrentData : brick2x2Data)
uiName = "difrent 2x2";
iconName = "Add-Ons/Brick_Difrent2x2/difrent2x2icon";
You would need a namecheck.txt to ensure that no one changes the name of your add-on, thereby making it impossible to load certain assets.
no the game makes those.

no the game makes those.
No it- no it doesn't.  Delete the namecheck and run the add-on on a default version of BL.  No namecheck.txt will be produced.