Author Topic: is food is killing you early?  (Read 1444 times)

Studies show that giving mice 2/3 their normal caloric intake boosts their lifespan by 1/3.
The longest living people in the world always have two things in common: they generally claim to eat very little and sleep adequately.
"I eat to live, not live to eat" as the current oldest living man said.

Assuming the same principal applies to humans, which are similar to mice in many ways, I made this spreadsheet to see how much time reducing 1 calorie can gain you.
And then I checked how much a typical food item can cost you in time.

That bacon cheeseburger is gonna cost ya 1/3 of a day.

well slap my richard and call me Ron Jeremy I'm glad I started skipping lunch

how would starving myself make me live longer?

how would starving myself make me live longer?
Rationing ≠ starving.  
This is all assuming caloric time benefits are within the (1/3) reduction of daily normal intake.
Eating nothing will not help you.

Also keep in mind this uses a lot of averages to begin calculations. It assumes a global average lifespan and a global average caloric consumption per day.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:44:04 PM by Tezuni 2.0 »

how would starving myself make me live longer?

? eating less but more frequently is the best thing you can do for yourself

eating popcorn while reading this

eating popcorn while reading this
Popcorn is just air from an angel's breath, so you can eat as much as you like.

similarly, oxygen is the reason you die of old age

so how many calories do i have to eat to kill myself rn

And then you end up living for so long that everyone you love dies and your sitting there all alone eating your one biscuit for the day.

Id rather eat tasty food loaded with calories and live till 70 than eat low calorie meh food and live till 90.

well im anorexic so im either doing it right or really wrong

will this help me recoup the third of my life i've slept through

I eat very little anyway