Author Topic: Permissions - 1.4 out now, with S+S support  (Read 18425 times)

Version 1.2. Changelog:
  • Spelling fix
  • Significantly improved GUI for adding people to roles

While it's not supported out of the box it's fairly easy to make one that uses it. I actually made a quick edit for it from Kalphiter's eval mod, but I'm not completely sure about whether such add-ons are allowed to be posted on here.
I edited Amade's TechEval to use %client.isEvalGranted
Bump me.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 06:53:36 AM by Axolotl »

New update. Changelog:
  • Added a /listroles command
  • The people-in-role list now (tries to) shows the player name

Replaces/complements the Blockland admin system with completely customizable roles. Add-ons can define permissions which you then assign to different roles (that you create) through the GUI. This means that the system, out of the box, can completely replace no-lights add-ons, no-build add-ons, admin level requirement change add-ons, moderator add-ons, etc.


Main script by me (Nullable)
GUI by Scout31/Jincux

These add-ons add simple non-essential features, such as, for example, name tags. If you want an "extra" listed here, tell me.
Name tags

Issues and feature requests
Either tell me on here, or, if you want to be notified automatically, enter it into our bug tracker over at If you feel like making it (or any open ticket) yourself then feel free to fork and send a pull request.

How to use in add-ons
Please see

Main screen:

Tutorial/overview video

Pushed a quick fix for a bug that prevented the names from being cached properly.

Can there be one for making a ghost brick?

Can there be one for making a ghost brick?
Well, in theory, yes, but I don't really see the point.

Well, in theory, yes, but I don't really see the point.
People make huge annoying ghost bricks but if you can't do it that's alright.

People make huge annoying ghost bricks but if you can't do it that's alright.
I'll add it to the todo list.

I love this mod, it lets me do all kinds of cool stuff without having to download a hundred different mods that do the same thing.

Beta of 1.3 available.
Unless anyone reports any issues then this will probably be released in a few days.

  • Fixed a bug regarding role inheritance
  • Added a shim (makes it easier to "soft-depend" on this)
  • Fixed "join permission denied" message
  • Ghost brick plants now require the permission
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 07:14:08 PM by DontCare4Free »

How are people supposed to kick? there isn't one for opening the admin menu.

How are people supposed to kick? there isn't one for opening the admin menu.
Being able to open the admin menu is controlled client-sided. Detecting permission changes is a bit hacky at the moment, sadly. I'll add it to the todo though.