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Messages - Nachtara

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Nobuo Uematsu, Koji Kondo, Junichi Masuda, and related artists. Obviously there's a stuffload of game composers, but those three stand out the most in my music collection.

I'm not the biggest on remixes or whatever, but I really like Gametal too.

Am I the only one? I've literally never met another game soundtrack boi. Most people think I'm handicapped when I say I listen to game music.

I also like Bruce Faulconer a lot, as well as The Beatles and Tenacious D, for non-game music.

So I'm going to make a Mega [NEWS] topic so I can cram all the news in htat one topic, how's that sound peoples
One topic to avoid is far greater than like 20 per day tbh

If you are still logged in, if the most recent post on a board has a swear in the subject line, it will be censored in the forum index too.

Off Topic / Re: Really dumb ideas thread
« on: April 20, 2018, 07:25:28 PM »
Drinking peanut butter (any temperature)

Off Topic / Re: Good Things to do When Bored
« on: March 07, 2018, 07:34:25 PM »
Real answer:

You gotta cleanse yourself by doing something of actual fulfillment, even if it's boring. This will make even moderately interesting for-fun activities way more enjoyable. So for real take a class or something, get a job, when you do have free time it will be higher quality.

Stupid answer:

Let ice cubes melt inside your back door.

General Discussion / Re: Gun Suggestion Thread
« on: February 20, 2018, 04:47:07 PM »
G-Cat's Default styled or whatever it's called now, and Quake-like.

G-Cat's is generic for the most part, but not overkill generic the way some packs are. As far as I can tell the balance is fun. The grenade launcher is also the best I've ever seen.

Quake-like has personality and bite.

Off Topic / Re: another political test thing
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:51:46 PM »
Sounds about right

Gallery / Re: Subterranean Lair (WIP, Help Wanted?)
« on: February 05, 2018, 02:01:32 PM »
a whole room for a coke machine!

It's a hallway, but I can see how it could be interpreted that way lol.

Gallery / Subterranean Lair (WIP, Help Wanted?)
« on: February 04, 2018, 05:38:02 PM »
Hello. I've been working on a project for a while, off and on. The intent of this map on a server is... well, I don't even know. Could be just a hang out, or a map you just explore, or perhaps a vehicle to roleplay in. Anyone interested can PM me, or add me on Steam or Discord, or whatever. My IGN is now Nightrate, so look for that name when joining my server. I host sporadically.

Lore: It's a Caribbean island, with a modest hotel resort, relying on the natural beauties of the sea rather than fancy expensive facilities. Two sentry towers built during the golden age of piracy remain, and serve as historical ruins for the resort's purposes. Below the surface, a mysterious facility lies, relatively undisturbed. Whether benevolent in purpose or not, this underground lair houses cutting edge laboratories, attractive architecture, and a generally self-sufficient community of top scientists.

Not Done
Partially Done

-Terrain (Generated, credit to PTG by GSF Ghost)
-Old sentry towers
-Secret tunnel entrance to Level 1 of facility
-Level 1 Floor plan
-Level 1 Room design
-Level 1 Room decor
-Level 2 Floor plan
-Level 2 Room design
-Level 2 Room decor
-Level 3 Floor plan
-Level 3 Room design
-Level 3 Room decor
-Level 4 Floor plan
-Level 4 Room design
-Level 4 Room decor
-Elevator system
-Rotunda Design
-Rotunda commons furniture
-Rotunda dome roof
-Rotunda stairwell
-Lair bathrooms
-Resort facilities (more detail later)

Wall and ceiling pattern credit to Dragonoid Slayer who showed up to my server as I was building, early in development, said my walls and ceilings were stuffty, then built these beauties. I've kept the style because it's too good.

"I'd stuff in that" - Crazy

Drama / Re: what grinds your gears - too small to make a drama on
« on: February 02, 2018, 03:46:51 PM »
When you're experimentally or regularly building and somebody else starts adding to it as you're still working.

For example: I was experimenting with stairs in a large multi-floored rotunda area, and one guy added tile bricks on the tops and bottoms, disregarding the fact that I was standing there taking my time and trying to make geometric sense of this puzzle (stairs are loving hard for me, I would drama stairs if I could). He didn't ask if he could help or even seem to realize that I was actually trying to think.

Drama / Re: what grinds your gears - too small to make a drama on
« on: January 29, 2018, 06:13:59 PM »
Not sure this is drama material, but it makes me feel emotional distress.

When somebody wants to help you with your build but they are either bad or can't match the style and you don't have the heart to tell them. I always feel like the moment I say something they're gonna blow up and then drama me.

Off Topic / Re: What Are Your Non-Video Game Hobbies?
« on: January 08, 2018, 01:21:48 PM »
Seeing a lot of drawing, which has been mildly interesting to me. How would you go about starting to draw? Digital or traditional, what sort of practice regiment, that sort of thing.

Off Topic / What Are Your Non-Video Game Hobbies?
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:48:01 PM »
I really hope there isn't an active thread like this that I'm missing

Pretty self-explanatory.

I currently have nothing else going on, and coming off of Christmas I have some money and free time, so I want to explore and figure out what else I want to do with my life.

Inactive hobbies:
-Rock collecting

I have a few ideas for hobbies that I haven't tried yet:
-Lapidary (stone cutting for jewelry)
-Arduino/other DIY electronics

So discuss what you do with your free time below.

Edit: Damn I wasn't expecting much when I hit post. This is a quite interesting thread so far, keep it up.

General Discussion / Re: what do people look for in a weaponset
« on: December 22, 2017, 09:14:59 PM »
Aside from the normal stuff I also look for personality. I'm quite bored by packs with 15 barely distinguishable ARs. Bushido's Quake pack is a good example of guns with personality.

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