Author Topic: ROBLOX Thread ⱽ⁴ - Egg hunt apparently ?  (Read 95334 times)

you cant fool me, Cubone Minecraft.

you cant fool me, Cubone Minecraft.

Please, crazy54311....... They weren’t supposed to know......... My Family Secret..., Revealed !

Please, crazy54311....... They weren’t supposed to know......... My Family Secret..., Revealed !
I can't believe you're minecraft.... I feel betrayed.

played in 2012, loving hate it now

roblox started going down hill ever since they introduced gear

roblox went downhill when people stopped making games

roblox went downhill when they had that idea in a garage or something

roblox went downhill when they had that idea in a garage or something
of course. The Famous Roblox Garage Theory

roblox started going downhill when they introduced 2.0

roblox started going downhill

so roblox added this mask and gave it out to people who helped with a game that uses Rthro and The Future is Bright

roblox changed their font to being more bold

oh yeah that hurt my eyes