Author Topic: Graphictoria - Old ROBLOX returns (alive again)  (Read 54193 times)

I got a trojan on the 2010 v5. Anyone can relate?

I got a trojan on the 2010 v5. Anyone can relate?

Where'd you get v5? Latest version is v9 and you can't play the game on older versions.

...Unless it wasn't recent. In which case, my mistake.

Well, it's been some time since I played 2010. Windows picked up malware from the installation directory of v5.

man i wish it was mac compatible, i really wanna play it, and using wineskin winery does not work

Well, it's been some time since I played 2010. Windows picked up malware from the installation directory of v5.

...Oh wait, my mistake. v9 is actually belonging to 2008.

Regardless, 2010 v5 is a weird update, since allegedly it only works in x64 hardware, for no reason. You better be wary of any future updates.

Guys the website is down

Rest in Peace

the discord vanished too... again

the discord vanished too... again

I hope everything is back up soon,

I really like how this is going and I don't want it to vanish just like rblxdev :(

lol energycell shut the site down again.

it's actually gone forever this time
roblox took it down and threatened to sue if it was continued

The ROBLOX dev team is literally ruining everyone's fun by removing all these attempts to revive the days when the game was actually fun and making everyone play the current ROBLOX which is a disgrace to all of humanity.
EDIT: seems promising.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 05:09:01 PM by Mr Queeba »