Author Topic: Abortion - Pro-life or Pro-choice  (Read 10595 times)

You know guys, I think abortions are the way to go.  It prevents future criminals from being born; it's one of the greatest goods a person can do for society.

Use that coat hanger.  Kill that blob of cells.

:oSame thoughts bro.
lol might not become a criminal, but hey better safe than sorry, right?
we kill eachother all the time. why should we care about killing cells that aren't even human yet if we regularly shoot full-grown adults and children alike without giving two forgets about them?

Crime will always exsist no matter what.

we are joking on his logic that we are stopping amazing people from being born. the logic goes both ways.

I'm pro-death. Overpopulation bros.

we are joking on his logic that we are stopping amazing people from being born. the logic goes both ways.
You are right. Riddler was damn good artist and a vegetarian.

I'm pro-death. Overpopulation bros.
giggled at this one

Currently the only population controls we have are war and diease.

Crime will always exsist no matter what.
yep good point, why bother to lower it if it's always going to exist!

wtf lol.

well we can start programs in every country to educate people into using birth control. and we can pay for it for the many who cant afford it.
and see how society slowly evolves the ideas over the next 100 years.
oh wait... population is already dangerously to high. we may not even get 20 years before stuff gets ultra bad.

drastic measures have to be taken, else everyone on earth will not have food or energy.
if allowing people to CHOOSE to deny a birth, then we should be thankful. in 50 years we may have to pick up china's policies and force them.

Currently the only population controls we have are war and diease.
and abortion.

and abortion.
Would you rather chop down and old tree or new one?

Would you rather chop down and old tree or new one?
if the new tree is growing when i don't want it to, i rather get rid of it.

Would you rather chop down and old tree or new one?
whichever one i want because trees aren't sentient. i just want their wood.

whichever one i want because trees aren't sentient. i just want their wood.

"How come when it's us, it's an abortion, and when it's a chicken, it's an omelette?" ~ George Carlin

Would you rather chop down and old tree or new one?
listen man, you're arguing with the wrong person.  i don't value human life very much.  when I was 10 I realized that the world's population was too high, and was reassured by the fact that when we begin running out of food world wars will occur and significantly drop the world's population.

I was loving 10 when I thought that.