Author Topic: Server addon to force first person in vehicles?  (Read 2917 times)

A script addon that prevents users from being in third person while using vehicles?
I tried to do it with events forcing the playertype but I'd like it to apply to every vehicle on the server, not ones with evented spawns.

Its a neat idea, but anyone can force third person with their client console if they really want to just so you know.

so even on first person playertypes they can use third person
can they change the angle of the third person camera too?
or can it just be set to an unusable angle for if people do manage to get to third person

if the client is able to get to third person and set the location, that sounds like something badspot would want to fix

Is it possible to do even if clients can exploit it? With how often players get in/out of vehicles it'd seem tedious enough to keep them from doing it.

so even on first person playertypes they can use third person
can they change the angle of the third person camera too?
or can it just be set to an unusable angle for if people do manage to get to third person

if the client is able to get to third person and set the location, that sounds like something badspot would want to fix
funny part: you can literally modify almost the entire playerdata client side but most of it probably wont work, but yes you can modify the entire camera view last time i checked.. shoot you could probably have it top down player..

Is it possible to do even if clients can exploit it? With how often players get in/out of vehicles it'd seem tedious enough to keep them from doing it.
you can do loops or hook them on certain functions to retransmit the specific playertype they currently have

strange, didn't think you'd get to mess with the third person camera with the console
thought you'd need a dll or something at least

Alternatively you can make the 3rd person camera such AIDS nobody wants to use it. I.e. follow distance of like 40000.

Alternatively you can make the 3rd person camera such AIDS nobody wants to use it. I.e. follow distance of like 40000.

clients can still modify the entire TP camera so this wouldn't do much

idea: try setting player camera to the vehicle while you're in it so the camera will be the vehicle's camera and then you could reposition it thru the vehicle datablock maybe? something like that

You can set if a player is allowed to go into third person in the datablock. Just make a child player datablock of the one you are using and set firstPersonOnly = true;. Then make a package that changes the datablocks when players enter and leave vehicles. I believe this should work.

edit: didn't see this was already talked about, idk about people modifying datablocks client side. tried it just now and it works but i found it difficult finding the right one.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 10:28:07 PM by Monoblaster4 »

tried it just now and it works but i found it difficult finding the right one.
finding the datablock client side is super easy tho

either way, should be possible to change the player's datablock when they enter cars, and put it back when they leave
people exploiting third person hopefully isn't the majority and wouldn't affect it too much

is there a case where the driver's datablock matters? if they were a horse or something and turned into a blockhead to drive it might be a bit weird
was thinking you could just use a normal no-jet first person only datablock as drivers/passengers

I remember a server found a way around it by doing a 3 second tick to sync the datablock