Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 433190 times)

Bullets from a gun - not particles

Will they have shadows/be affected by dynamic lighting?

Instead of making ten consecutive posts, save up some ideas and put them in one post. Or edit the old post with the new questions. To answer your question: Probably. -- kompressor

« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 02:59:20 AM by Tetris »

Terrain maps, yeah those are going to leave. However, I believe that with simple (and I'm talking like supreme basic) coding, one can import the .dts objects of the bedroom and kitchen to be spawned on this new mega slate.

This also opens up the opportunity to create mods that dynamically create brick terrain.

Yes. I think that dynamic terrain mods would be very cool. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:00:50 AM by kompressor »

Are you worried that  people whose computers can't handle the new shaders will justifiably see this as a total downgrade for them?

Shaders are 100% optional. Just turn them off and the game runs as well as ever. Please note I covered this in the OP. In general I will delete posts asking questions from the OP. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:15:44 AM by kompressor »

I'm slow, but.


Okay, proceed.

how will this lighting affect players? will it cast a shadow on them or just make the whole playermodel darker?

how will this lighting affect players? will it cast a shadow on them or just make the whole playermodel darker?

Will shadows effect Blockheads?

Yes. -- kompressor

do lights on bricks and players effect dynamic lighting?

can you get lights to only shine in one direction?

Make the image have a light fx, that way it will glow all pretty and light up rooms you're flying around in.

Otherwise I'll make a mod for it. No biggie.
I did this like a year ago. It is now in most admin orb edits without credit ):

Will there be the possibility of user-created shaders? So people can add water reflection and other things if they can figure it out?

Shader source will be available. -- kompressor
What data will be available to the shaders, can we add our own?

They are in GLSL. You will not be able to customize render passes or anything. I'd say, worry about this when it is released. But don't assume it will be easy to add any effect imaginable. I won't play 20 questions on this, try a GLSL sandbox app or something if you want to learn more about what you could do. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:47:40 AM by kompressor »

This should be extremely enjoyable.

Kompressor deserves some  :cookie:'s.

EDIT : Will the shadows also be affected by the player's lights turned on?

The pictures in OP are so cool, I am setting them as my PC background.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:58:52 AM by Måster Blåster »

This is beautiful. A tear came to my eye.

The Golden Gate Bridge save must look absolutely gorgeous with shadows. I can't wait to see the next group of screenshots.

But now this makes me wonder if there is any view-limits on shadows. Let's say you have a tall structure with a low-elevation sun, will the long stretching shadow be rendered fully? What if the structure itself is completely out of view?

you'll have to try it and see! -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 04:14:57 AM by kompressor »


R.I.P Bedroom, Kitchen, and Slopes.

But will you and baddy be able to remake them somehow?

I'm unable to access blockland at the moment. Is this released or what?

I'm unable to access blockland at the moment. Is this released or what?

This feature is not yet released. We will post an announcement when we release it.