Author Topic: Union of Blockland  (Read 9282 times)

Our Tags:

What were about:
The U.B. builds unique yet functional builds but also events to great extents. When I mean uniqe yet functional I mean we don't just build a skyscraper and make the exterior look nice, we make it so the build can be used for something. Such as lets say we built a HUGE office building. Well then we would use it as a HQ or we would let other people use it for a city build. We don't just go around building, we create things the people of Blockland can use not just stare at 0_0
Suggestions for Build Application:
Make it neat, symmetrical (it's is ok if it is not exactly), and either futuristic or medieval would improve the chances of it being selected.

King of Spore



We will try to keep 10 members at a time, this limit might change, it depends on the rate of applications being turned in. Just put a picture of your build in the gallery, interior and all and then alert me and I will take a look. Don't forget to add your ID to your application. We already have a server so no need for another until further notice.

In-game my name is Galactic God and graveth's name is Yonder. If you have two different names, please tell me that in your app.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 08:24:39 PM by King of Spore »

Nice layout. I like that you make for others, not just for "Fame".
Can I join? I'll make an app!

Anyone can join except for the idiots on the blacklist. Just submit your app in the gallery.

Trsut me, this is a LOT better than the last one.

It's clear and concise, smart etc. yada yada

I might even consider applying if I see the quality of the work of other applicants. Also, over 1000 bricks seems to be a silly rule. Something can be 500 bricks and be good, especially if the brick usage is very efficient.

Thanks Antallion, feel free to sign up anytime but I am going to take out that requirment. Thanks for the insight.

By the way when I mean that I want you to alert me when you have posted your app in the gallery i mean just pm me.

This looks like an ok clan, I'll think about joining.  Is everything you make symmetricial?

Not everything but mostly. My cathedral that was going to be an app for NWB was.

Where exactly would i app for this clan?

Edit:oh duh found it

I might even consider applying if I see the quality of the work of other applicants. Also, over 1000 bricks seems to be a silly rule. Something can be 500 bricks and be good, especially if the brick usage is very efficient.
Yeah especially if they make something like Pong out of it.

I have an application in mind.  :cookieMonster:

PIE!!!!! Oh..... sorry 'bout that. What do you mean?

What I think you think I mean.

I hope he approves.