Author Topic: Summer Games Done Quick  (Read 787 times)

alright so i'm kinda surprised no one actually made a thread on this but here we go!

What is Games Done Quick?

Games Done Quick is a bi-annual charity gaming marathon. Volunteers play games at incredible speed ("Speedrunning") for entertainment. The event is streamed live online, non-stop, and all donations go directly to the charity. This is the summer event, with a winter event every January ("Awesome Games Done Quick").

i may or may not have totally ripped that straight from the website

that's basically all there is to it! you get to watch runners speed the stuff outa games and all the hype that comes with it. it's pretty entertaining to watch if you ask me

you can watch it HERE

along with the stream there's of course the donating you can do

they managed to gather $1,031,189.00 over 28095 donations in AGDQ, which is absolutly insane and amazing! hopefully, we will go even higher in SGDQ!

all the money you donate goes to charity (in this case Doctors Without Borders), and you can include a message to it which MIGHT be read on the stream! which is pretty cool!

if you donate, you can put your money on bids for specific things in games like a certain character or something funky like that

you will also be added to any prize that might be going on at the time, assuming you donated enough to count on to it

you can check the bids/prizes and stuff here

incase you wanna look for that specific game you'd love to watch be run, or maybe look for when your favorite speedrunner will play a game, you can check out the schedule HERE

and uh, yeah
that's it!

hope you enjoy the stream, even though this might be a couple days late
there's still quite a lot of games to go!

i hope i didnt do a too awful job at making the topic, i'm not very good at formatting these things :(







WHEN???: ---

can't be bothered to update these anymore, thread's burried anyway
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 05:19:10 PM by Maui69 »

i was watching one from a while ago, the LoZ Ocarina one, and when the guy drops the bottle and teleports to ganon i stuff my pants.

not sure what else to add to the thread, so, yeah

i could use some help formatting this to be prettier
im awful at formatting threads :(

I like AGDQ and this one omg yay

this announcer is adorable omfg

I missed the ENTIRE Mega Man block. That's what I was looking forward to the most. :(

oh stuff i like just watched something in AGDQ '13 where some crazy cool Miles dude speedran super monkey ball
i don't even know how i got there but damn was that something

oh my god this octodad race is so ridiculous i'm dying

the only streams i watch are zeldadungeon streams or cosmo
guess im watchin this now