Author Topic: World of Warcraft  (Read 245897 times)

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with playing the game...I've played it my self and it's very addicting. It's a fun game though.

Name: Howoriginal
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
realm: Smolderthorn

just got to 40 today, half way there

It was ideal for me at the time when I needed to keep my mind off of a rather horrible breakup, but as nice and fun as the game was, I can't stand to be on it for more than two hours at a time without becoming hopelessly bored with it, so I quit a while back. I'm waiting for that Star Trek Online game supposedly coming out January. :D

Starting on Monday, I'm doing a stuffload of instances.

Name: Amarassa
Race: night elf
Class: Hunter
realm: Rexxar

I play on Bloodhoof.
halp me level to 55
I will make a guy named HeavenlyPoop, Blood Elf paladin.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 09:03:30 PM by Moriarty »

Bah, hordes. >:I
alliance = 12-
Horde = 13+

on some servers anyway

Eh, only the level 80 cigarettes who think they're 1337 in the chat.

Eh, only the level 80 cigarettes who think they're 1337 in the chat.
I only pick the horde because the species are fun >_>

i played dis stuff w/ alichs. it was okay.

Recently started playing again. Since then I've acquired some very nice gear.

Name: Yalothun
Level: 80
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Realm: Lightning's Blade
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 04:07:04 AM by Skele »

I just don't like hordes when they're my enemies. :P

Once I get BC, I'll make a blood elf on one of your servers.

my math teacher plays on laughing skull lol

Recently started playing again. Since then I've acquired some very nice gear.

Name: Yalothun
Level: 80
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Realm: Lightning's Blade

you spent 1k on duel >:O