

Renousim (vote pls)

Author Topic: -entrepreneur My Gun Contest- vote time  (Read 4701 times)

---entrepreneur  MY GUN CONTEST---


Welcome to the entrepreneur  My Gun contest,
Please know that this conest is only for fun and won't have a reward if you win.
Please no saying that there is already a thread for entrepreneur  My Gun, The reason I am making a seperate thread is because if I make a post about it it will most likely be ignored and page lost.
You can win by getting voted for by users, If you wish to enter please follow the instructions below


How to enter

To enter
-This must be done on the old entrepreneur  my Gun version
-You must make a NEW weapon, You cannot use an old one you made
-The gun must be an Assault rifle or a Shotgun no
-Please put the name of your gun along with a picture
-Please post the picture in 70x70 Percentage



-Renousim - AK-7X

-Shell- stuffstick 3000

-ShadowsfeaR- Poop Tickler 3

-Grunterdb1951- GDA AR1

-Slammer1337- U92 Marksman

-blazerblock2- OtS-77

-GodlyFireFight- The guen

-NoZoner- ISBR-20 (aka winner of contest)

-Qwepir- IXP-7

-Crispy- Blue Wind

-300Spartan- the HMS roostersniffer

-xxxxkill- CLBX-20
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 09:47:41 AM by Renousim »

Can we edit the guns, like camo and stuff via paint?

So why does it have to be done in the old version?
So people that don't like the new version and are confused with it don't get the things that the people with the new version get

So people that don't like the new version and are confused with it don't get the things that the people with the new version get
lol that's a little bit of a strange rule

lol that's a little bit of a strange rule
Ok I might remove it if enough people want me to

Not an AR, but its one of my best.

Not an AR, but its one of my best.
Well you just broke 3 rules
One is you have to use the old version
Second is it must be an AR or a Shotgun
3rd is new ones only

Well you just broke 3 rules
One is you have to use the old version
Second is it must be an AR or a Shotgun
3rd is new ones only
Oh, ok. Personally i'm with boink on the old version being a strange rule but gimme a sec and i'll whip up something new.

I'm just gonna drop this here

Wait I notice some errors that I passed over, could I quickly fix that stuff?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 08:49:19 PM by grunterdb1951 »