Author Topic: Programming Megathread  (Read 106643 times)

If any of you are crypto nerds and are interested in Keybase, send me a PM because I have 7 alpha invites.

tl;dr: It's a social-ish network that lets you connect your pgp key to social media accounts.
ok seriously they just gave me 11 more invites. don't be scared to ask me for one I literally do not know enough crypto nerds to possibly give all these invites away.

ok seriously they just gave me 11 more invites. don't be scared to ask me for one I literally do not know enough crypto nerds to possibly give all these invites away.
me me I'll take one pecon

Maybe try from the command line?

keybase prove web

invalid CA authority explains why, get a certificate only from let's encrypt and try again

invalid CA authority explains why, get a certificate only from let's encrypt and try again

(it says issued to "" (for my telegram bot) but it is obviously valid for too or your browser wouldn't accept it)
maybe it's because it just renewed today or something
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 10:54:23 PM by Foxscotch »

im taking an information systems class right now and we just started learning to code python. its really interesting and im loving tf out of it. anything you guys did when first starting python that helped you out? exercises you tried, online resources, ect.?

i did some stuff with pygame when i was learning python, tho it was also because i was learning python specifically because i was having to use pygame

i did some stuff with pygame when i was learning python, tho it was also because i was learning python specifically because i was having to use pygame
ill download it when i get back from class, it looks like a coo, resource. good looks

(it says issued to "" (for my telegram bot) but it is obviously valid for too or your browser wouldn't accept it)
maybe it's because it just renewed today or something
did you do and for common names when getting the certificate?

did you do and for common names when getting the certificate?
no idea what you mean by that lol. the certificate is for both and
you can literally go to and see that the certificate is, indeed, valid for

it's possible that keybase just doesn't trust let's encrypt, for some wild, definitely unreasonable reason

no idea what you mean by that lol. the certificate is for both and
you can literally go to and see that the certificate is, indeed, valid for

it's possible that keybase just doesn't trust let's encrypt, for some wild, definitely unreasonable reason
no my phone doesn't either and i've run websites with let's encrypt certs before, something's wrong

Barring actually finding out what is wrong with the ssl certificate, you could just use their DNS-based proof method instead of the file one.

Also, getting the site brown townyzed on ssllabs might reveal some info about what is wrong with the certificate.

if you still have a key to provide i can take one.