Author Topic: Gun Game [v0.1.2] - Other Topic Too Old  (Read 6770 times)

A DM where players are given specific weapons to use. Everyone starts out with the same weapon. Each kill with the current weapon will allow players to move to the next weapon; however, if a player is killed with the secondary weapon, they will be set back to the previous weapon. Get a kill with all weapons to win the game.

Use /gunList, /weaponList, or /wepList for a list of what weapon you get at each level in the minigame you're in.

If you change the number of weapon levels to a number above what it was at when the server started and above 20, then you need to restart the server for it to take affect. I had to do it this way because of how Slayer preferences work.

Report any bugs you find here.

Made by jes00(BL ID 18831).
Gamemode preview image and header image for this topic were made by Yes(BL ID 22935).

Requires Slayer.

Code: (Changelog - v0.0.0 to v0.1.0) [Select]
- Added two new Slayer prefs.
- Fixed a typo.

Made a new topic because the other one was too old to modify or post in.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 08:04:02 AM by jes00 »

In case people were wondering the two new new prefs are Mix Demote Every Round(picks a random weapon for the demote weapon after the minigame resets. Can choose to prefer a melee weapon or just pick a random one) and Mix Levels Every Round(you can choose to either have it pick a random weapon for each level(picks unique weapons if possible) or shuffle the existing set of weapons).

These two prefs were requested by tber123.

neat it's gun game and randomizer thrown into one now

wait so people can get any gun on the sever
i have touhou weapons
im scared of the thought

Any weapons except tools(unless the maker of the tool didn't make it correctly, defining it as a weapon instead of a tool).

Released a small bug fix.

really fun gamemode

Any weapons except tools(unless the maker of the tool didn't make it correctly, defining it as a weapon instead of a tool).

Is there a way to blacklist certain weapons

Is there a way to blacklist certain weapons
It's not very user friendly, but you can change $Pref::Server::GunGame::RandomItemBlackList. It's a list of item datablock names separated by spaces.

It's not very user friendly, but you can change $Pref::Server::GunGame::RandomItemBlackList. It's a list of item datablock names separated by spaces.

Hey, this mode doesn't seem to allow gun leveling with raycasting weapons. It only works with projectiles. I was using Untiered Arms and the pistol would not level us up no matter how many times we killed each other with it.

Hey, this mode doesn't seem to allow gun leveling with raycasting weapons. It only works with projectiles. I was using Untiered Arms and the pistol would not level us up no matter how many times we killed each other with it.
Link to the weapon pack?

Also, another bug I found was when someone used the final level weapon. I kept the amount of levels to the default 20. When someone gets a kill with the weapon (it was set to switch blade), it would just disappear from their inventory and nothing would happen.